
這禮拜真是drama重重啊!! 才剛下完雪  第二天又發生了一件不只令全宿舍的人,還令不少旦尼丁的市民相當震驚的事。


事發當天早上其實是Health Sci的化學考試,所以宿舍裡難得的寧靜。而我便利用這難得的機會把我的書本移到公用的電腦室去,嘗試一下更換讀書環境的效果。結果還讀不到一小時,就收到Miya傳來的簡訊:


"R u looking at it?! lol"


我一頭霧水的盯著螢幕。看什麼?我應該注意到什麼嗎??還是她在惡作劇然後現在正躲在哪裡看我的反應... 或者根本是她寄錯人了??一連串的推測閃過我的腦海 (心機重的傢伙),可是在懷疑的觀察過我周遭的場景並毫無發現任何異狀後我只好回她:


"?? Lookin at wat? =="




"didnt u hear the accident outside?! look at video easy road from ur window!"




"Ooh theres an accident!?! Im in comp room lol"




"ooohh u missd the show! lol this huge crane fell onto the road, dont think someone got hurt so thats good. luke was running around with his camera lol"(註解:Luke是我們的附舍監 - 非常以他一台龐大的相機為榮XD)


Crane?? 那不是鶴嗎?!難不成一隻鶴突然掉到馬路中間??我腦海中馬上浮現一隻巨大的白鶴從天而降並把行人壓扁的景象... 認不住噗哧一笑。


"Crane?? Haha omg funny and random lol is it alive?"


在等待回覆時我還因為白鶴而聯想到的某部悲慘的日本卡通 "安壽與廚子王丸" 而感歎了一下(笑)。


"wat? alive? o! Hahahaha no was talking bout the machine crane not the bird! hahaha thats hilarious!!"


.............咦!? 咦咦咦!?!? 不...不是鶴嗎?? ==||||| 噢買嘎 這時才突然驚覺她是在說"起重機"...........天啊 真是有夠愚蠢的 為什麼我的直覺反應會是鳥咧!? 果然住紐西蘭太久就是不一樣 (羞) 唉 被笑了....


總之  拖了那麼久  我終於決定回到我房間的窗邊好好一探究竟,結果自己也被嚇一跳。整個畫面真的好嚴重啊!!只見一整台起重機翻倒在離我們宿舍不過幾公尺的大馬路中央,而且整個車尾是懸在半空中的,前方的吊桿也被嚴重的扭曲... 看來一台百萬吊車就這麼泡湯了。不過好笑的是我們宿舍有一大群人早就衝出去加入幾十個圍觀的行人了,而且還有很多人興奮得回來報告實況... 原來鳥人也有這一面啊!(笑)但說得也是... 這本是人之常情嘛!台灣人只不過是稍微極端了一點罷了XD All I did was watch from afar... although I had to crane my neck to see the crane (冷)


更盡爆的是最後連報社記者還有新聞記者都來了,也因此當天晚上我們宿舍大概有四分之一的人都守在電視機前面興奮地等待晚間新聞(想必是在期待那可能會被拍到的萬分之一的機會吧-只不過很遺憾的他們只有採訪幾個司機和相關人士)但是聽完報導感覺整個事件的來龍去脈都還是被很含糊的帶過,所以直到今天早上看完報上的報告真相才算是水落石出吧!(以下便是Otago Daily Times今早的地區頭條新聞報導)


而且奇蹟似的  這次意外竟毫無一人受傷。可是聽Miya說她親眼看到起重機倒下時一輛巴士離它只不過相差幾公分... 真的是驚險萬分OO 好險好險 看來上帝還是有在眷顧我們的 ^^ 也辛苦那些警察和工人啦... 不但要維持交通一整天,到晚上七點都還在努力的把扭曲的吊桿割開運走  == 我們Hayward可是看了一整天啊!


fallen crane  
The 63m-long boom of a crane shook surrounding buildings when it crashed on to Frederick St and across the Cumberland St intersection in Dunedin yesterday. Photo by Craig Baxter.


Narrow escape as crane crashes

By Sarah Harvey on Thu, 18 Jun 2009


A bus full of 6- and 7-year-olds narrowly escaped disaster yesterday when its driver managed to stop just centimetres from a falling 49-tonne crane in central Dunedin. The 63m boom of the crane smashed on to Frederick St and through the Cumberland St intersection, narrowly missing the bus, other vehicles and pedestrians.


No-one was seriously hurt in the incident, which happened about 10.50am after the mobile crane, owned by Dunedin Crane Hire, had finished lifting a cooling tower to the top of the Dunedin Hospital ward block.


Hospital workers Vania Larkins and Sara Ross were in Frederick St and "panicked" when they saw the tip of the crane start to fall and the rear of the cab lift off the ground.


It seemed to move in slow motion before hitting the ground with a loud bang, which shook the buildings around it.


Hundreds of onlookers stopped to take photographs.


The bus, which was on its way to drop 50 Outram School pupils at Otago Museum, stopped about 50cm from the crane, Ms Larkins said.


Mosgiel Coach Services owner and bus driver Bob Mitchell was a reluctant hero yesterday.


The bus held precious cargo for him in the form of two grandchildren.


"It was as close as you would want to get.


I saw it just before it hit the road, and it was either going to hit the bus, or we would have hit it."


Mr Mitchell said he did nothing special other than slam on the brakes.


Outram School principal Greg Carroll said it was a "fairly dramatic way for the children to be making their entrance into town".


However, Mr Mitchell had done a "stunning job".


None of the children was injured, although a teacher hurt her wrist during the sudden stop.


Motorist Nicki Shea said she would be buying a Lotto ticket after the crane narrowly missed her car.


She was waiting in Frederick St to cross the intersection towards the crane when it fell.


"I was a shaking mess," she said.


Dunedin Crane Hire owner Doug Hall said he did not yet know what had caused the $1 million, 4-year-old crane to tip over, but said it could have been a computer malfunction.


The crane, which was insured, was working well within its limits, he said.


The crane driver, who was shaken by the incident, was experienced, he said.


"He'll be back at work tomorrow."


The arm of the crane had to be cut into pieces before the vehicle could be picked up by two other cranes and righted yesterday afternoon.


Cumberland St was reduced to one lane at the intersection, before being reopened about 1pm.


The Department of Labour is yet to determine whether it will conduct an investigation.


fallen crane outside Dunedin hospital 
Photo: Fairuz Zainudin (↑吊車旁邊灰灰的建築就是旦尼丁醫院。而旁邊很多玻璃窗的就是我們宿舍... 有夠近吧! 看得一清二楚 嘿嘿)


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