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Sakura at Miyazu Gardens!

Alrighty - I think you have all deserved a break from the Italy marathon so here’s the reward for all your efforts to chew through my relentless stream of photos and (probably quite terribly) researched Italian history… Spring is here at last!!!

More beautiful sakura =)

The Cherry Blossom Festival at Miyazu Garden has been an annual event for as long as I can remember. Perhaps influenced by my potentially Japanese past-life (?), it has always been a small but sure signal for Spring’s arrival when I see the colourful flyers for this event being posted up around the city - and this year was no exception. So when Becky invited me to join her and Nic at the festival this morning, there was no reason for me to hesitate.

Miyazu Gardens

What a stunning day for it too! The sunlight was glorious after a bit of a frosty night, and the temperature rose steadily along with the buzzing of light-hearted conversation and squeals of excited children as I parked my car (with some difficulty according to Nelson standards!) and made my way towards the entrance just after 11.30. Sure enough, there was already quite a crowd when I stepped through the gate and strode up the winding path towards the main body of the festival where families were cheerfully gathered around the ponds sharing a laugh and the stall keepers were busy serving up mountains of steaming yakisoba and taiyaki. The air was already thick with the mouth-watering aroma of yakitori, and it was almost painful to tear my eyes away from a stand selling green tea flavoured cream puffs. There was the beginning of a queue stretching along the path for sushi and coffee, and even a fairly out-of-place cart selling Chinese food (come on – surely they know better than that!!).

A corner of the festival

Despite the crowd, it was surprisingly quick meeting up with the girls and we took our time wandering around the grounds watching the archery demonstrations (you could even make your own bow!) and live performances each representing a different aspect of Japanese culture. After a while we decided to settle down on the grassy slope amongst the other picnickers, just in time to listen to a three-lady singing group perform. The group was called “Nanami” and had flown in from Wellington this morning especially for the occasion, and it was soon quite clear why. The songs were delightful (even heard a couple of familiar ones like “Sakura” by Moriyama Naotaro – 森山直太朗的「櫻花」=) ) and their voices truly seemed to weave a magical quality throughout the park, rocking me back gently into a warm state of nostalgia as I drunk in the beautiful scene of shimmering pink blossoms against the sapphire blue sky. If I closed my eyes I was sure I could once again see the shy smiles and happy chatter of the Takadai students as they walked through the school gates under that same shower of snowy petals.    

yo-yo balloon fishing

Calligraphy demonstration

Nanami performance group

And surely you can’t call it a Japanese festival without these little fellas!! 


Chocolate Bananas!!!

…I will always remember the regret from missing out on having one of these chocolate bananas at the Hamamatsu Festival in Japan! Now I can proudly say that I have probably made up for a fraction of the festival experience (since the banana was probably only a fraction of the size it was meant to be, and for possibly twice the cost! But definitely no regrets there – it was still delicious XD ...簡直樂到雙下巴都快跑出來了 哈哈哈哈) 


Then just after 1pm came one of the other highlights of the festival – a performance by the Raijin ( 雷神) Taiko Drumming Group based here in Nelson. Perhaps it was the natural instincts built into our human DNA, I’ve always found that the sharp beats of the various taiko drums aroused a primitive feeling from deep within me that sent my blood almost humming with pulses of energy. As the bachi (drum sticks) struck the drum skin, I could feel my skin tingle in awe of the great powers that were released by the graceful and yet firm moves of the drummers. The fact that an entire story could be portrayed by simply using different rhythms and acoustics of the drums was also mind-blowing. Such as the piece called “Sankou” ( 山行), meaning mountain hiking, cleverly imitated the heavy footfalls of the hiker as he struggles towards the summit with slow beats on the Chu-daiko (medium-sized taiko). It was without a doubt a thoroughly mesmerizing and enchanting performance.  


Raijin Taiko Drumming Group

Of course it's also always encouraging to see so many Nelsonians from such a variety of cultural backgrounds loyally supporting this unique event every year. The fantastic turn-out today would no doubt be mostly due to the hard work of the Japanese community and organisers behind it all, so they definitely deserve a huge pat on the back!! For even without all the number-crunching, judging by all the smiling faces around me and the pure joy on the yakata-clad children’s faces as they raced around the grounds it was not hard to tell what a great success the festival was.

Everyone dancing together! Odorimashou =))

P.S. Good luck to our boys for the first match in the Rugby World Cup tomorrow morning!!! Go the almighty All Blacks =))))

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Whew, the much needed and anticipated long weekend has arrived at last!! It must be one of the greatest joys in life to be able to leisurely put together a warm breakfast of eggs on toast with a steaming mug of coffee accompanied by a novel in hand… What simple pleasures the life of a working person involves XD


As it has been many years since I was last in Nelson for Queen's Birthday weekend, this year I thought I would take the time to revisit what has become one of the most popular annual fundraising events in the region – the Founders Park Book Fair.


Book Fair Posters   


Throughout every year Founders Park accepts any second-hand books, comics, CDs, records, and even jigsaw puzzles that people has kindly donated and organizes them into a charity book fair of an impressive scale that takes place over a nine-day period, always starting on the Saturday of Queen's Birthday weekend. I have always found it to be a wonderful channel for recycling books, for just because a book has been sitting in someone's attic collecting dust doesn't mean it couldn't turn into a treasure for somebody else. And indeed, I remember being always overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books available and the pure excitement as I joined in the crowds patiently rifling through each row in search of their next favourite read. So it is with the same anticipation (and a little apprehension that I wouldn't be able to restrain myself), that I headed down to Founders Park this morning.


Founders Park Entrance


It turned out to be a grey drizzly morning as I parked and walked towards Founders, but evidently the weather has done little to dampen the spirits of of book-lovers as there were already long rows of cars fanning out from the park. As I waited at the main entry for my turn to pay the $2 entrance fee, I couldn't help but smile at the many elderly people slowly making their way in on their walkers and the high squeals of laughter that echoed from the inner buildings – it never ceases to impress me to see so many locals, no matter the age, relentlessly making an effort to support local fundraising events such as these. This feeling grew as I passed through the reception and headed into the main building where most of the books were placed, for there were thirty or so volunteers assisting people at the various doors and tirelessly restocking books onto the rows and rows of tables, as well as those helping with the transactions at the tils and even a sausage sizzle stand just outside the building. At the time I arrived the crowds seemed to be at a tolerable level, with just enough buzz and murmurs of conversation to warm up the mood, and when combined with the quiet flutters of page-turning and the faint aroma of fried onions wafting in from the sausage sizzle stand, the atmosphere was a very pleasant one.


Book Fair Sign  


Book Fair Main Building  


Being back at the fair after several years was both a nostalgic and refreshing experience for me. I seem to recall coming here as a child and hoping to find novels written by specific authors who I liked at the time, so I would spend hours pouring over the tables and be slightly disappointed when I couldn't find what I was looking for, then would come away with a few novels that I was only half-heartedly interested in but chose anyway because it seemed like a waste to leave empty-handed, then those books would sit for many months to come on the shelf at home, some untouched or half-read, and most often neglected and forgotten. Now, however, I let myself loose with no expectations whatsoever, armed with only a few general ideas about the genres I might want to look for (this year it would be crime/thriller and chick lits hrhrhr), and I find myself enjoying the selecting process in a thoroughly new light, with a more open and relaxed mindset. I also noticed many things that I had not noticed years before – that there were much more than novels on sale. There were mountains of vinyl records and CDs, as well as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, recipes, magazines, and even posters! And amazingly also a wide selection of books in all sorts of foreign languages... It truly is a treasure cove for enthusiastic second-hand collectors, and I was not surprised to see so many prowling the aisles loaded down with huge grocery bags and trolleys.


Inside the main building...  


Books, books, and more books!  


I also have to mention that I am very greatly impressed with the courtesy and good manners that other people around me showed. Although I am a little guilty (and might be wrongly generalizing) to say this, but it is sometimes difficult to imagine Taiwanese people automatically shuffling along as soon as I inched back to indicate that I wanted to switch places with them to have a better look at the range of books in front of them, or taking care to give you plenty of space to browse and read the books in front of you in peace. There was no shoving, no pressing bodies, and no reproachful looks even when I was taking my time at the same spot by the table. Everyone's patience, mutual awareness and understanding was simply astonishing and heart-warming, and really allowed people to appreciate and make the most of the event that much more.


People browsing in the different sections  


So finally, after an hour and a half of assessing titles, scrutinizing spines, and scanning millions of back covers, I finally picked out my prizes of three novels (yes I was VERY restrained, the massive clean-out last year has cast too dark a shadow over my shopping desires hahaha). A thriller and two others that looked more light-hearted (I still can't believe “A Year in Provence” lured me in with just its opening sentence – “The year began with lunch.” XDD Obviously my obsession with mentions of food in stories is still standing strong!!). Although with a queue of reading materials already lined up for me at present (lent to me by the lovely Wilkes!) it might be a little while before I actually start any of them, I am still finding myself itching to open those covers and indulge myself in the exciting new worlds. So I think I am right to say that these books can be assured a fortunate fate and a great deal of love in their new home!


My prizes!  


The all-too-important book spines!  


Happy reading everyone!! :)))


P.S. For some reason, even though new books are constantly being brought out, people still think all the good ones are going to be snatched away first so there's always a big rush on the first day of the book fair... The Nelson Mail has posted up this hilarious video to show what happened on Saturday morning and I just had to share with you all! XDDD (...有必要狂奔嗎?? 一瞬間還以為是在看迪士尼樂園的開園時間咧 哈哈哈)





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Lest We Forget    


一轉眼下禮拜又要到ANZAC Day了。不知道在這意義深遠的日子到來前,大家望著一朵朵佩戴在胸前的罌粟花時是否還會思索著隱藏在鮮紅花瓣後面充滿辛酸血淚的歷史背景?或許是因為今年剛好是一百週年,新聞上有關這方面的報導又比以往多出了許多,更有很多軍人的後代一一站了出來分享他們與ANZAC特殊的情結與故事,有些真的讓人聽了不動容也難。想說便稍微收集一下中文版的歷史讓紐澳外的朋友對這節日能有初步的認識,也為我自己在參加下禮拜六的黎明追悼典禮前能好好溫習一下這一段身為 (半個?) 紐西蘭人不能不知道的悲壯史事。另外如果各位有興趣想要更深入地瞭解,紐西蘭Stuff新聞網站也準備了一個非常棒的影片,把Gallipoli半島戰役的來龍去派分成四個部分解釋得很詳細,值得一看喔!請按這裡觀看。


(以下文章轉載自:http://jazzteoh.pixnet.net/blog/post/23317513-anzac-day-澳紐聯軍紀念日 & 維基百科 & backpackers.com.tw 論壇) 


ANZAC全名為Australia and New Zealand Army Corps(紐澳聯軍)。紐澳聯軍紀念日 (ANZAC Day) 是紀念於第一次世界大戰時期、於1915年4月25日在加里波利 (Gallipoli)之戰犧牲的澳大利亞紐西蘭聯合軍團軍人的日子,在澳大利亞和紐西蘭均為國定假日,為兩地最重要的節日之一。


第一次世界大戰時,澳洲和紐西蘭響應宗主國英國的呼籲,前往歐洲參戰。當時任職海軍大臣的邱吉爾(Winston Churchill),計劃在1915年於Gallipoli的Dardanelles登陸,攻擊土耳其駐軍並佔領其據點,從而舒解土耳其對俄羅斯的軍事壓力。計劃本來十分高明,可是推行的步驟卻出了閃失;首先英法聯合海軍早在1915年2月便向Dardanelles隔海發炮猛射,打草驚蛇,土軍頓時醒悟,屯積重兵防禦。


1915年4月25日,紐澳軍團在土耳其愛琴海加里波利登岸。但由於導航錯誤致使軍團在原定地點以北兩公里處登陸。軍隊本來預期要搶灘的寬廣海灘和小坡,意外地變成陡崖之底。那裡的土軍居高臨下,炮火如雨,而且土耳其已加調十萬大軍守護,敵眾我寡,形勢十分不妙紐澳軍團在嘗試立足之際,發現進攻無可能性,只能向前推進5公里。更可悲的是當時敵軍的土耳其指揮官甚至對ANZAC年輕人勇敢的前撲後繼戰死於機槍火網下的慘狀看不下去而出面主動要求停火讓ANZAC撤退但盟軍不為所動就這樣在沒有後援的情況下苦戰了8 個月指揮部在12月終於決定撤退時已犧牲了8700名澳洲軍人以及2700名紐西蘭軍人,損失慘重。


The Battle of Chunuk Bair, 8th August, 1915  



「紐澳聯軍登陸艇靠岸便紛紛跳入水中,組成強大陣線,直衝向敵方戰壕,一分鐘便佔領了第一個....推進至戰壕末端 40碼的沙灘,他們即面對幾乎筆直的峭壁和可怕的敵方炮火....紐澳聯軍停了幾分鐘,迅速重整隊形,開背包把彈匣上瞠。然後前撲後繼的爬上峭壁,不把炮火放在眼。他們犧牲了一些人,但絲毫不以為意。十五分鐘以內土耳其軍隊已從第二道防線撤退,有些被刺刀所戳,有的抱頭鼠竄.....」



另外第一次世界大戰期間,最先在法蘭德斯壕溝戰地的田野萌芽綻放的是紅色的罌粟花,因此罌粟花被當成在戰爭中傷亡士兵的紀念物。1915年時一位叫麥克雷(John McCrae)的加拿大軍醫目睹了戰場上連續17天的血腥鏖戰後,寫下了傳誦至今的詩篇,《在法蘭德斯的田野》(In Flanders Fields)。詩中描繪了暮色中,在將士們倒下的地方,一束束血紅的罌粟花生機盎然、衝破死亡的陰霾怒放。



" In Flanders fields the poppies blow 在法蘭德斯戰場罌粟花迎風開放
Between the crosses, row on row 開放在十字架之間,一排排一行行
That mark our place; and in the sky 標示我們斷魂的地方
The larks, still bravely sing, fly 雲雀依舊高歌,展翅在藍藍的天上
Scarce heard amid the guns below "...                                    可你卻難以聽見,因為戰場上槍炮正響 "...                             





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 "And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony."   -Shakespeare 

"當愛說話時眾神的聲音使蒼天沉浸在和諧的靜寂中。"   -莎士比亞




Wedding Invitation   



上禮拜六,老姊與小飛的婚禮終於在眾親朋好友的見證與祝福下順利落幕了。雖然在精心籌備的這一年多發生了不少令這對新人心勞意冗的瑣事(從來就不知道紐式婚禮的安排需要花費這麼多的心血 … 光是三件伴娘服跟之後的護照風波就弄得全家雞飛狗跳,更不用說賓客的住宿,交通,以及座位安排了!! 囧),但最後所呈現出的結果不但高雅俐落,也令所有有幸參與的人們感受到了這兩位主角之間深厚的感情與默契,好讓大家都能在和樂融洽的氣氛中一起慶祝這長達七年的愛情長跑終於修成正果。






婚禮禮拜本身是在小飛以前的私立小學內附設的小教堂舉行 (私立是否該多劃幾個圈 – 有食堂跟兩套不同用途的運動服還有其他種種豪華設施畢竟在鳥國實在是太少見啦~ XD) 之前雖曾看過照片,上次去漢米爾頓時老姐也有帶我繞過教堂外面,但在婚禮彩排時才終於有機會能親自到裡面一探究竟 – 沒想到感覺比我想象中更莊重典雅得多。從1920年代整整蓋了六十年,由歷代學生親手製作的磚塊慢慢建造而成的禮拜堂內部懸掛著小學各學院的傳統旗幟,天花板上點綴著數盞古典的蠟燭吊燈,溫暖簡潔的木製地板光滑但又不失歲月悄悄琢磨過的痕跡。感覺眾人在踏入禮拜堂的瞬間便會不約而同地放慢腳步放輕呼吸,細細地欣賞跟享受這樹影搖曳,古意盎然的小巧聖地。



Southwell Chapel    



...結果忙著形容場,地典禮到現在都還沒說! 哈哈 (老毛病又犯啦) 一大清早的梳妝打扮就不用多說了(除了時間真的花費得比我預期的多! 還以為頭髮跟妝一個人一小時內就能搞定,但沒想到其實妝髮各項就要花一個小時,而且出發前每個人還要再補妝修飾一次,害我們午餐的輕食三明治等等雖然飢腸轆轆都要忍耐不能大口阻嚼… 可以稍微理解演藝人員的辛苦了 哈哈)  其實看到老姊穿著那 (本人很慶幸吃過年夜飯後還塞得下的) 高貴雅緻的新娘禮服,手握着清雅的花束,還有頭披白紗的走出來真的會有點感動(…What a long way you have come from the days of crazy dancing in Mum’s silky flowery skirt Sis! Bahaha)。所以在管風琴莊嚴的演奏下一起步下紅毯的玉伯把老姐交給小飛後,聽到玉伯嫂兩人雙雙在接下來唱聖詩時的擤鼻聲一點也不意外 – 反而自己也有點鼻酸啊~






禮拜後的茶點跟拍照剛開始雖有下點綿綿細雨,但所幸很快地便又止住了。很高興能跟以前Karori藥局的同事打聲招呼,也趁機在盡量不毀掉口紅的情況下灌了一杯水(… 由此可見真的不是濃妝艷抹的料 哈哈) 同時也被專業婚禮攝影師叫去拍了幾張跟其它伴郎伴娘的合照。因為跟另外兩位伴娘實在不是很熟,所以老實說那幾張要假裝我們三位還有新娘很開心的堆滿笑容聊著天,還有擁抱在一起的照片我懷疑自己的笑容會不會很僵 (心裡忍不住暗自嘀咕 – "Besties"?? Who???) 但最後總算是順利完成任務並再度搭乘著復古老爺車回到了宴客場地 – 位在氣派的Waikato River河畔的 Coopers Events Centre. (老爺車司機堅持要行駛過市中心並大按喇叭逼我們跟好奇的行人揮手這段其實也蠻搞笑的…但不曉得為什麼新郎新娘都不坐在最顯眼的位置咧? 行人應該不是特別想要看到一臉尷尬並努力想要使出皇家式揮手的伴娘群吧 哈哈哈)






在這裡不得不說老姊跟小飛安排在Reception開始前娛樂賓客的Photo booth (自動照相棚) 還有"指紋樹" 真的是很棒的主意! 但Photo booth的照片要拍好還真是無比艱難啊!! (還是因為那時候大家都已經幾杯黃湯下肚所以不是眼神迷茫就是嘴角不聽使喚… XD) 更還有一張是伴郎跟伴娘群的合照,結果在機器倒數時小飛大哥冷不防從背後用力一推!!









Great. Just great. 為什麼其他兩位伴娘看起來還是很可愛但我卻.....囧囧囧



….好啦 應該也算是珍貴的回憶吧 哈哈哈哈






喜宴的餐點也非常令人驚艷!! 不愧是對飲食格外注重的詹家成員以及被這個家庭洗腦多年的伴侶 – 不管是味道或份量都非常足夠。美中不足的是在上前菜時我因為滿腦子擔心接下來Maid of Honour的致詞而緊張到消化不良,所以沒辦法盡情的享受我的羊肉沙拉 XDD 但在驚險的講完,還有經過另外幾個風趣的致詞舒緩一下後,我就胃口全開的解決了主菜的鴨腿跟那可觀的Rosti (這六個月來去健身房的努力總是需要犒賞的嘛!! 哈哈哈 好像有某種玉伯的影子?) 在此也要說玉伯玉嫂致詞講得超好的啦~ (也不知道是誰翻譯的對吧 哈哈哈 - 只差沒翻到玉伯一開始的那句 XD) 還有飛爸飛媽以及大飛小飛都很貼心的不是找人翻譯他們的講稿,就是努力的在他們的致詞中加入了一段中文來表達他們對台灣賓客以及文化的尊重,真的很讓人動容。






至於之後的跳舞 – 很開心能融入熱絡歡樂的氣氛,也很高興 "大部份"的人都很捧場的下場跳了至少一首 (某情侶除外 – 明明平常放閃放得很勤啊 奇怪~~) 可憐的新郎在跳完前面兩首後好像就默默地消失了 – 但幸好KMP 藥局的熱情非常足以撐得起整個舞池 XD (而且Monique跟他老公似乎喝得太盡興所以之後在巴士上非常搞笑,本來話就很多的Monique更是不斷騷擾司機要把他們兩個在他們指定的地點放下讓大家哭笑不得 哈哈) …但我想老姊應該只是很感恩她希望First Dance的時候不要絆倒的祈禱上帝有聆聽到吧 (笑)



Wedding dance!  



總之~ 婚禮能順利結束真是太好了~~!!!! 真的很榮幸這次能目睹新一代的Mr. and Mrs. Phillips的誕生,第一次當伴娘也是非常特別的經歷。就像我在致詞裡說的(希望那時候那支喜歡呻吟的麥克風沒有發作 – 太專心在唸講稿了 哈哈哈) ,謝謝妳持續帶給我們生活中這麼多的歡笑與色彩,很高興妳找到了如此天衣無縫的伴侶,也祝福你在這人生的新階段可以享受到與妳平常帶來的歡樂同等的幸福!婚禮辛苦啦~



sisters forever!  



P.S. 期待看到專業攝影師的作品!!! :)))

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 Happy New Year


Another Year. Another Dream.



Hahahaha does that sound like some kind of advertisement or what!? (I think I got it from the Beijing Olympics motto "One World, One Dream" lol) Ok ok I know I'm easily amused... but it's the New Years again and the first article of the year should begin on a positive note XD.



2008 ended with a rather interesting counting down event in my house on the 31st, where I (like so many other years) watched the various counting down concerts around Taiwan on TV. It was weird to find that not so many concerts around Taiwan were broadcasted on TV this year though... only five that I could find (台北, 台中市, 台中縣, 嘉義, 高雄). And even after counting the famous Kouhaku singing competition in Japan there were only six channels that I had to switch between which made things alot easier for me ==+ (I remember the regret I felt last year when I had to switch between nine channels or so to constantly check for appearances of my favourite stars that I missed quite a few - the consequences of being greedy I suppose *sigh*). Hence I'm quite happy to announce I actually managed to watch most of the stars who I most wanted to see - A-mei and 五月天 and 范逸臣 and 蔡旻佑(for Miya of course) and Moriyama Naotarou and SMAP and Hirihara Ayaka.... my thumb suffered greatly though (remote control wasn't quite fast enough).



A-mei was amazing as usual - how could she continuously sing for 50min and still remain energetic? Plus her voice never faltered and stayed extremely rich and powerful... it was incredible seeing how quickly her enthusiasm swept through the crowds and heated up the atmosphere!! XD To have found Evan Yo was quite a surprise for me though... I nearly missed him cos he was on at the same time as A-mei (but on a different channel)! Miya his hair looks way cuter now cos the emo blue is gone and he's redyed it to brown XDD His singing was pretty good I have to say (although my mum suspected he was lipsyncing? Haha) As for Jenn... even though I didn't see Farenheit I read online that they were performng in Beijing...(too good for us aye??? T_T) Also I was really excited to see Moriyama Naotarou (森山直太朗)too!! I love his voice and I remember being extremely disappointed not seeing him in the Kouhaku Singing Competition last year... perhaps it was because of him that the white team won yet again?? XD I'm sure sis would have loved to see Kimura Takuya's (木村拓哉) smile when the winning team was announced.



So the night went well - I satisfied myself by eating two packets of chips and half a bag of chicken claws (very very good) - and the year began with a superb firework display on Taipei 101!! Lots of people said it wasn't as good as last year's but, in fact, I thought it was way better... there were so many more variations and colour plus the angle of the sparks were definitely better.... are those people blind??? Or just blind to beauty?? (Gosh I'm mean) Just because there were less variations in colour doesn't mean it's not as good!! ==



Then on the 1st my mum and I kind-of promised a couple of friends to watch the sunrise on the beach at 6am.... but we failed to turn up. No NOT because we couldn't get up (I actually set my alarm at 5:30am and woke up my mum... very impressed with myself==+) But the weather at the time didn't look promising -  very grey and heavy clouds. So instead we got up at 8:30am and went sort-of tramping with the usual party of friends - but really it was more like rock-climbing... a bit dangerous in fact, because of the damp slippery rock surfaces after the drizzle in the morning and the rise in water level of the streams. Quite a few in the team got wet - apparently the most classic of the day was 東翰's slow and graceful double dip (while holding onto a rope and crossing a stream) which I failed to witness... although I found his description of "像燙青菜一樣" (like cooking vegies - ok translated into English doesn't quite sound as funny - or maybe I just suck at translating?) really hilarious XD Nothing less from someone who dances - very few people can dip into the water so gracefully hahaha. The waterfall which was our destination turned out to be quite good though - but of course by then no one was quite in the mood to exclaim over its beauty.



And then today! An extremely enjoyable outing with an old friend Mary and her parents XD We drove right up to her dad's old home and a field of oranges owned by her grandfather. I have to admit I wasn't very good at picking the right oranges though - so I gave up after only picking one == And we even went for a little walk up to see a waterfall nearby (saw many bouquets of flowers and baskets of fruits placed just near the waterfall... but we were too scared to ask what they were for OO) and drove out to the further campus of Taitung University and had a look around (very empty and deserted was all I could say ==||| Lots of weeds) Mary's parents are such nice people!! Thank you for taking us around ever since I was little - I'll always remember the first time I went with you to Mary's grandmother's house on the mountains and got laughed at by the natives... good times!! XD And thank you so much for the lovely bag of oranges!! There's just something different about food that you know is definitely organic ^^



Afterwards I was also fortunate (?) enough to experience Mary's scooter driving skills (sweat) and finally had the opportunity to visit Taitung Girls High (東女)!! Very exciting... since I've only ever driven by its entrance and peeked at the statue thingie inside == After a brief tour by a recent graduate next to me I was impressed by the various beauties in the corners of the school and the layout which made everything easy to access - my favourites were definitely the ponds though - and the stone stools and tables - it would be lovely to have tea there (Bahaha man I sound like an oldie). And then a fantastic dinner at 芝加哥主題式餐廳 (I think that's what it's called?? My memory is failing me OO)... I feel sorry for the confused waiter at the counter when we fought violently over who was to pay for dinner - haha sorry whoever it was who witnessed our rare unlady-like side. Then over to Starbucks for a nice cup of Green Tea Latte and a steamy hot chocolate muffin.....absolute heaven. Thank you for such a splendid day!!! There's nothing better than spending the day with a good friend and rambling on about random things XDD



So there goes my New Year holidays so far!! 2009 has obviously had a joyful start - may this happiness remain for the rest of the year. As for new hopes for 2009........ hope happiness arrives at everyone's doorstep, hope everyone remains healthy and strong, hope no one shall feel any sort of pain or loneliness, hope those who are searching for love will have their needs fulfilled, hope those who are troubled by the recent economic crisis will soon regain their fortune, hope I'll survive my first year of pharmacy (please please please....), hope I'll actually get to know more Asians.... hmmm, am I too greedy?? Oh well... Lets return to the advertisement theme - May All Your Wishes Come True (a bit of Disney is always good eh) 祝大家幸福!! 新年快樂 - Happy New Year!!

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不但飯吃了, 電影看了, 在朋友家睡了, 而且還混到了第二天的早餐...
嘿嘿. 我也只能大呼過癮啦^^

為了找這一家名為"芥茉"的餐廳, 我與我媽翻遍了大大小小的電話簿,
問過了人際圈廣泛的所有朋友, 但到最後還是在抵達前兩小時經由那位提議的朋友口中得知地址...|||
(想必了解我的人對我這研究食物的嗜好並不陌生吧, 哈哈)
菜色OK, 椅子也不錯, 但嚇人的還是那位服務生小弟...
有哪家簡餐廳是先上飯後飲料(註: Menu上的確清清楚楚的標明"飯後")再上主菜的啊!?
竟然幾分鐘內就給我們送上飲料, 主食, 甜點, 白開水, 還有單點的鬆餅...
吃飯時的壓力頓時給我爆增十倍. OO

沒錯, 屬於看完恐怖電影還是能呼呼大睡的我是極度贊同去看"香水"的一人.
但由於是限制級, 我們這三個十六歲的清純少女便決定步向黑暗之路,
偷偷摸摸的走到集票口, 來回張望了寂靜的戲院門口幾次,
並悄悄的說: "請給我一張10:30"香水"的票..."
而那位阿姨也只在瞧了我們一眼, 問了一句"你們都是學生嗎?"後,
幸好在眼角抽續了一下後, 我們馬上恢復冷靜並報以心虛的微笑回答"有啊..."

除了開頭稍微血腥了一點, 故事情節簡直是棒透了!!
我非常喜歡那些鄉民們發現裸屍的拍攝方法, 真的為了整部戲添加了一種陰森氣息還有緊張感...
還有結局!!! 超級意想不到的結局讓觀眾個個無話可說... 我個人覺得這部電影的編劇實在是太成功了^^
加上第二位紅髮美女演過"彼得潘"裡的溫蒂, 更讓我為之著迷. (<---呵, don't get put off!)
總之, 我大力推薦!! 不喜歡恐怖電影的朋友們也去看看吧... 保證你會讚不絕口喔!

哈哈, 說了一堆倒是像在寫電影評論了. 最後還是希望大家聖誕節有過得愉快, 並且跨年要好好的玩喔!
反正是一年的最後一天了嘛...放輕鬆一點吧~ (<---逃避現實....唉...)

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因為這特別的十五歲聖誕, 我有幸能與三位好友一同享樂. 
從節目的一開始, 便能讓我目不轉睛.
畢竟平常的大同戲院最多也只會有五, 六人同時出沒.
我緊握著手中印著"大同戲院"四個大黑字的票根, 也不禁感到滿懷期待.
哈利波特裡的"Avada Cadavra"....
如是直接了當的翻成"阿巴達卡戴巴"之類的, 那還能接受.
離譜的是當我瞄向字幕時映入眼簾的"去去 武器去"...|||
竟被翻成"呼呼 重生呼"之類的胡言亂語...
但雖然過份, 這誇張的翻譯卻能令我狂笑一天,

好笑的是我們"四人幫"在訂好的座位上坐下, 高興的翻開桌上的點餐單時,
真不愧是台灣...連酥皮海鮮濃湯, 甜點與飲料都附贈在內...真是划算極啦^^
而且不只是餐點經典, 點餐單也是非常"易懂"...
這...這不是等於沒說嗎!? 真是無聊透頂又浪費資源==

無論我怎麼絞盡腦汁, 就是沒辦法即時想出又炫又可愛的姿勢來.
雖然陸陸續續有人提議, 但最後還是依賴我們的直覺.
結果也不會太糟, 尤其是在美白與裝飾完畢後...每個都顯得俏皮可愛...

欣賞完紐西蘭的生活照, 便是看著我們家書房的童書回顧童年.
尤其是討論到美少女戰士時...R, A與我都說得口沫橫飛, 興奮不已.
只剩擁有健康童年, 完全沒迷美少女戰士的M在一旁拼命的回想她小時候都在作什麼.


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不知道為什麼, 我從小就很喜歡每次過節的那種熱鬧氣氛.
當然過中秋也不例外, 尤其是在台東常常跟著家人去串門子的時候

記得最清楚的是有一年的中秋節, 我們全家如往年一樣去拜訪在鄉下的吳家
好幾家的大人們愉快的嚼著花生, 啜著散發出淡淡花香的熱茶,
並在清澈的大池塘邊暢快的談起兒童的教育, 親朋好友的八卦等等.
並拿出一包包的仙女棒, 一根根的樹枝, 還有任何其他可燒的東西.
我們雖然知道玩火的危險, 但它在那時早已成為小孩子們中秋節不可缺少的娛樂.
大家一邊興奮的拿著燃燒的枝葉, 一邊看著那些媽媽們烤著素肉,
而我則是好奇的盯著那個火把. 即使臉蛋已被燙的紅通通的
我還是不罷休, 開心的看著那有如跟著周圍的歡笑聲偏偏起舞的紅色火焰
看著那金黃色的亮光如金幣一般傾盆而下, 還真的是令我留下了深刻的印象
或許在當時, 我的小腦袋才初次感受到過中秋的喜悅


這景象還真的隱隱約約有古人飲酒賞月的感覺, 只差沒有開始“吟詩”了.
所以我們經常待到三更半夜, 小孩們已個個累的東倒西歪,

而每次去完吳家, 幾乎都會順道去拜訪薛阿姨家.
在那兒我們才會經歷一次真正的, 以真的肉去烤的“烤肉”.
突然下起一陣綿綿細雨, 我的板凳因為沒有完全在屋頂下, 所以我覺得很寒冷, 很寂寞

來到紐西蘭後, 別說是中秋了, 連中國新年都幾乎沒人曉得是什麼
僅次的幾個亞洲人聚會, 也早已失去了以往的習俗和傳統的氣氛
頂多是賞賞月, 聚聚餐, 每家帶一盤食物讓大家一起享用.
以前的烤肉, 茶點, 月餅卻都已經失去了蹤影.

而在去年中秋節時, 我們家邀請董家和小雷哥哥的女友來家裡用餐.
吃完老媽辛苦烹調的一頓豐盛晚餐後, 我因為得負責洗碗所以待在廚房.
這時小雷哥哥和他的女友卻神不知鬼不覺的坐在位於我們平常餐廳的那個窗前的坐墊上, 深情的望著外頭的夜景(還是對方!?)並且低聲的在談話.
雖然不是很近, 但那位置正好是水槽的斜對面, 洗婉時必須瞧見他們卿卿我我的樣子,
幸好這時老姐的來電替我解了危. 不過雖然我盡量裝出專心講電話的模樣, 
眼角還是免不了會“恰巧”掃過某對情侶. 真是辛苦啊!

至於今年的中秋節, 連聚餐也沒有了.
而且因為這天同時是選舉過後的第二天, 所以我們家也因為National的失敗而沒有過中秋節的感覺. 再加上我在同一天和Kazumi一起學做了大阪燒, 因此雖然多了日本祭典的味道, 卻更加少了台灣的感覺, …不過月亮倒是有賞到, 真的是又大又圓, 還有一點朦朦朧朧的感覺…不知從這兒看不看的到嫦娥和玉兔? (笑)

我不敢說我想念月餅的滋味, 因為我從小就沒特別喜歡月餅的味道.
只是想念它的存在. 畢竟月餅就等於是中秋節的象徵. 
不過在台灣烤肉的經驗卻讓我回味無窮. 可是身在紐西蘭, 唯一的好處就是能很清楚的看到圓圓的月亮, 不會有颱風的阻擾. 而其他的要求卻都變成是一種奢侈的慾望.

更要好好的跟家人, 朋友們聚一聚, 把握這溫馨快樂的時光.

圖片來源: greetings.yahoo.com.tw

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