目前分類:鮮果汁 (21)

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Elective Group


這裡又再次被我荒廢了....總覺得雜草藤蔓都快長出螢幕了啊(囧) 雖然想把"大學的最後一個學期壓力超大"當成不更新的藉口, 但好像追根究柢也只是因為我的懶惰而已 XP  所以趁現在隨著最後一次大學年終考的結束, 還有美好台灣假期的開始... 就讓我來稍微記錄一下這具有代表性的學期的種種吧!


其實說這學期課業比較難, 壓力比較大也不是謊言...畢竟就像教授說的這是藥學系最後能考驗我們這些菜鳥的機會, 也是最後能確認我們是否有拿到BPharm資格(也就是出社會比較不會誤殺別人!?)的驗證. 所以不但有Special Populations這令人想哭的單元來確保他們有能出這四年來教的任何東西的權力, 需要在全班以及教授面前講解的論文, 還有頹積了三年而塞爆了兩個龐大文件夾的藥學法規讓我們每禮拜都要扛上扛下的搬到Workshop. 但考完後感覺還蠻有成就感的就是了...我們竟然撐過了這難讀到出了名的藥學系! (還是說我應該等畢業典禮後再講...[汗]) 先不說這兩個禮拜成天在圖書館裡過著不見天日的生活(是說我也成天在拖你出去吃飯...@@"), 還有口試時間被排到班上最後一個所以最後一天有如地獄般難熬, 考完後還真的有種不可思議的感覺... 我想大部分應該是為要揮別單純的學生生活, 以及相處了三年的同學們的感傷吧~ 但幸好有在當天晚上參加P4晚餐! 也因此有了跟大家在畢業典禮之前聚一聚的最後機會. 而且雖然場地選在一間頗高級的西餐廳, 但大家一如以往的談笑風生, 自助餐也非常美味 (尤其是牛肉跟炒麵...還有飯後的西瓜XD) 話說大部分女生也都很用心打扮啊...除了剛進門有被嚇到的我XD 不過看到所有進門的男生也都是一驚後趕緊偷偷的紮起襯衫就覺得無所謂了(笑)


P4 Dinner


說到年底的別離, 也畢定要說說台灣同鄉會的年終晚餐AGM~ 今年台灣同鄉會的幹部團隊聽說跟往年比已經算是到年底還剩很多人的了, 雖說Andrew跟Cheri是Senior Advisor但不包括他們其實還有15個人. 而會長也有在這次的晚餐上一一頒獎狀給各個幹部成員... YC真的是個人超級無敵好(有點太好??)的會長啊~ 很榮幸今年能在團隊裡幫忙籌備活動, 跟會員們交流; 不僅學到了許多也嚐到了無盡的樂趣. 至於晚餐本身也很開心~ 沒想到在我即將離開旦尼丁的最後一刻還能有機會吃到慕名已久的廣州中餐廳真是幸運啊!! 但要怪就怪Andrew興奮過頭盡點了一桌灑滿花椒的麻辣跟肉類料理...也辛苦坐在我旁邊的道釩了==" (幸好還有那第一道茄蛋料理跟最後的青菜Oo) 但Ben的招菜功夫實在是太令人敬佩了(笑) 當然還有Ivan打敗天下無敵手的舌頭跟胃...看來台灣人還比大陸跟韓國人更能吃香喝辣啊(?) XD




順便再加一張某天好心的會長要犒勞幹部們而用經費請我們吃午餐的照片~ 在金禾閣的飲茶竟然還可以點到這樣讓我們會長秘書跟會計的臉都綠了XP 結論就是不能讓女生太餓要不然結果不堪設想的!! 記得我們女生一拿到點菜單整個就進入暴走狀態 (一直狂把數量劃掉增加 囧) 到最後連坐在對面的人的臉都看不到還真的很誇張 (笑翻)


OUTSA Committee


接著回溯到九月的台灣同鄉會舞會好了~ 這學期中的舞會其實在安排的過程中也鬧出了不少糾紛, 主要是因為我所在的佈置小組開始計劃的太早了. 但最後也算順利的解決~ 而且在跑了幾次Warehouse大賣場跟Dollar Shop, 以及花了一整晚幫忙畫跟剪裁厚紙板做成的佈景後也覺得學到了不少東西啊! 當然跟大家一起在經費有限的狀況下為同一個目標努力也覺得很青春團結的感覺啊 XD 當然也非常感謝其實沒義務要幫忙卻不惜當天大老遠跑來幫我們佈置的道釩跟Tim! 不愧是有藝術細胞的兩位...至少不會像會長把色紙剪成海帶或是把蝴蝶貼成長條蝴蝶精(囧) 至於舞會當晚也非常愉快~ 除了因為要佈置只好飛奔回家在短時間內(?)準備好, 還有被拉上台去玩詭異的相親/速配遊戲之外(囧囧囧) 但餐點還不錯(雖然牛排有點難切 XP), 而且其他的遊戲也都蠻搞笑的 (應該也是多虧Andrew超厲害的帶動氣氛/主持功力就是了 哈哈). 加上也有許多人跟我與Layee引以為傲的玻璃碗+花瓣+蠟燭的裝飾拍照讓我們很有成就感!! (可惜自己要拍的時候蠟燭已經不爭氣的熄滅了...==")




嗯~最後以Dunedin今年冬天難得頻繁出現的雪景來結尾好了. 記得第一次下大雪是我們在作First Aid的第一天吧! 結果結束後我們還跑去鐘塔拍照留念...看著純淨的冰雪像糖霜一般靜靜的包裹著建築物, 像棉花一樣輕輕的沉睡在地面上真的是美不勝收, 頗有在歐洲的意境~ (自我催眠 X3) 但現在對雪這種東西真是又愛又怕啊... 是說明年在威靈頓應該會很想把風換成雪吧?


Snow in Dunedin


茵茵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

cultural nite    


這篇還真是拖得有夠久了~ 之前因為考試所以一直沒時間好好整理, 而且練習跟籌備其實早在晚會的幾個月前就開始了因此光想要從何寫起就有點不知所措 Oo". 嗯~ 先從練習開始說起吧~ 其實今年女生的人數比去年多出蠻多的, 所以要安排九個女生都能出席的練習時間可說是比登天還難! 偏偏我今年又被推到女生hip hop代表/連絡人的位置所以只好毎幾天不是跑Club&Soc訂練舞室, 就是騷擾Andrew借他朋友可以溜進PE系館的學生証...不過過程雖然會讓我些許厭煩, 但大家其實也都會盡力配合...況且最後也培養出了感情所以不用練舞了之後反而會有點空虛xD 當然Girls hip hop能順利完成也要感謝撥出了極多時間來陪一群吵鬧的女生跳舞的編舞老師Keanan, 跟二話不說就接下Tony跟Raymund丟下的爛攤子而幫我們混歌的道釩 (...或者應該說是神祕的友人??  哈哈) 在此還得要再次為晚會前一個禮拜冒出的許多莫名其妙的誤會說聲對不起就是了... 唉~ 幸虧有你我們才能上台 Oo 而且在這麼短的時間內就能作出那麼理想的效果真的讓我超感動的.... 謝謝你從崩潰的邊緣救了我~~!! ><" 哈哈


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但女生練得再怎麼勤奮, 跟男生hip hop一比簡直就是小巫見大巫了吧? 我想我永遠都不會忘記他們連續好幾次都半夜12點(還是1點?)才從PE拖著疲憊的身軀回家的消息Oo" 真是有夠辛苦的~ 難怪表演後會有觀眾在Critic裡特別提到並稱讚男生hip hop啊! You guys definitely deserved it! XD 而且那些繁複的舞步跟formation變化, 還有背心跟領帶所營造出的潮男感覺實在是非得承認帥到不行xD 哪像我們女生光是為了決定顏色跟幾件破blazer就在鬧糾紛了(囧)


cultural night4  


至於原住民舞雖然跟去年是同一支, 但晚會的前一個禮拜也因為它而引起了不小的騷動...主要是因為去年的舞蹈老師突然反悔說不讓我們跳她教的這支舞而且還莫名其妙的以男生的纏腰布威脅 (囧) 但幸好最後會長, 秘書, 跟Andrew有順利的達成協議...是說整個來龍去脈還是很令人無言就是了. 本來還以為她不是個那麼小家子氣的人咧...


cultural night5  


嗯 接下來就直接跳到文化夜當晚好了... 老實說今年晚會的日期(5月28號)真的稍微嫌太晚了點, 畢竟那麼靠近大考應該也多少有影響到觀眾的出席率以及參與人員本身與無數次彩排的配合度. 但當天晚上好像(根據其他同鄉會人員?) 出席率已經算是很不錯了~所以非常感謝所有願意來欣賞我們努力的成果的人啊!! 畢竟大家這兩個月可都是不惜一切的在拼命...只為了要把最完美的一面呈現給觀眾看, 並努力的推廣家鄉美好的文化. 但話是這麼說, 其實今年的劇本(雖然比去年有深度許多?) 因為是要解釋建國百年的由來所以其實跟台灣本身沒有什麼直接的關係. (囧) 不過演戲的部分真的有加入很多爆笑的安排就是了~ 像是那搞笑但又很甜蜜的男女主角約會影片, 還有許多男生之前就在一大清早跑到Chinese Garden拍攝的廣東起義影片xD (...還是覺得某人的慢動作太經典了 哈哈哈) 當然還有Tim跟Tony還有YC的精彩功夫秀, Jane英氣凜凜的劍舞, Tony跟Raymund的飛鴿傳信, 以及...Double Down的guest appearance (笑) 嗯~ 雖然光是要演好昏庸的皇帝那段就跟Larry討論了無數次, 但最後的效(笑?)果確實挺不錯的~ 而Ben的太監角色, 還有Andrew傳神的演技也帶給了我們無限的歡樂還有足以笑到岔氣的機會XD (嗯? 這麼說來我的七十二烈士影片還真是格格不入啊... 好悲傷淒涼的黑白片...囧 哈哈) 所以雖然不太可能做到十全十美, 但大致上晚會已算是非常成功且值得反覆的去留念了.


cultural night6  


嗯~我想作為結尾的話恐怕還是老套的感謝詞比較合適吧xD 台灣同鄉會的會長當然是不用說了~ 但還有為了打點劇本跟安排戲服而到處奔波的Ivy以及同樣付出了許多時間跟精力的秘書Steve跟所有的後台人員! 相信如果沒有他們也就不會有這晚會了. 還有請允許我自私的再次感謝某神秘友人多次陪我走去排演跟送我回家~ 如果沒有你我大概早在晚會前就被不知明的醉漢綁架了吧 (囧) 也謝謝你那段時期能持續容忍我的牢騷並在排演前能讓我聽到舒緩身心的琴聲xD 雖然對你來說晚會本身可能不太值得留念但這些跟你還有大家相處的時光對我來說都是無比的珍貴. 相信就算多年以後再回顧那些塞在硬碟深處的影片時, 我依舊會無法抑制不斷想大笑的衝動吧. xD

茵茵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

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這個禮拜真的是被考得焦頭爛額的OO 而且連續每晚都會作跟隔天考試有關的惡夢好悲哀啊== 不過為了犒賞自己能僥倖存活下來(尤其是今天早上的Dispensing模擬考害我有被拖到鬼門關一趟的錯覺), 今晚就好好的來重新加熱品嘗一下被冷落許久的"茶碗蒸"XD 


其實最近發生最精彩的事應該就是上禮拜六晚上台灣同鄉會在College Auditorium所舉辦的Taiwanese Cultural Night! 所謂的"Cultural Night"就是這裡各個國家的同鄉會幾乎都會舉辦的一種用來推廣家鄉文化以及風俗的娛樂晚會. 其中的內容不僅因國家而異, 也因籌劃的學生以及會長的態度而有相當不同的主題或是演出. 而我今年也很榮幸的能夠參予舞蹈方面的表演~ 想當初剛開學的時候我竟能厚著臉皮的答應會長的邀約 (還因為台東人的身分被人家誤以為在原住民舞蹈的編舞方面有意想不到的才能?? XD) 而且還因為女生人數嚴重的空缺而被迫加入跳蔡依林"舞孃"的行列在幾個月以前我可是個完全的舞蹈白癡啊!! (好啦其實現在也…) 不過這次能有機會參加一些台灣同鄉會的幕後活動真的是非常棒的經驗~ 也很高興終於能跟一些其他台灣人稍微混熟一點了^^ (想到前兩年我這個幽靈會員的活動出席率就愧疚不堪啊~)


culture night


今年的Cultural Night稍微有別於往年的晚會, 因為今年會長興致勃勃的想挑戰以"舞台劇"的形式來表達台灣的原住民文化. 也因此所有的舞蹈都要很努力的跟舞蹈教練以及會長合力創作的劇本有某種關連性. 其中我有參與的"Bukulavu"布農族舞蹈用意就是在表達劇本中兩位男主角所居住的布農部落(唉呀~好有台東的感覺??XD)裡熱情歡樂的氣氛, 而我所參與的另一支原住民舞蹈則是屬於噶瑪蘭族的療癒儀式劇情裡則是為了要治癒受了重傷的男主角的父親. 當然舞孃的用意就有點牽強了() 好像是平地人的黑道幫派去妓女院時的表演?? (這算是推廣台灣文化嗎? ) 當然男生也有跳非常屌的嘻哈舞以及帥氣有魄力的原住民戰士舞XD 加上舞蹈老師(兼女主角)還有搭配現場以大提琴及鋼琴演奏的"望春風"舞出一段優美典雅的芭蕾Solo (跟男主角最後的旋轉真是可愛XD)… 這次的演出果然非常的精彩又多元化, 看來這一個半月緊湊的練習真的都沒有白費呀~ 當然這一切都得感謝犧牲最多時間以及心血的Andrew會長以及Jia-Li老師!! 你們嘔心瀝血的成果真的為我們台灣人爭了不少光啊~ (哼哼, 之後連大陸人都想改口說是台灣人了可見表演有多值得!!) 我們要以台灣為榮!!



culture night2 


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(Kavalan Healing Ritual = 噶瑪蘭療癒儀式...)

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(這位仁兄其實才是正統原住民... 但在戲中卻很諷刺的被安排到平地人黑道老大的角色orz)

culture night8 


不過雖然今年Cultural Night的格式有作了不少更改, 每年慣例的卡拉OK大賽決賽還是有照常舉行. 其中就屬在初賽迷倒不少女生的Howard, 唱歌頗有大將之風的JY以及會長組成的爆笑"台客三人組"令我最為敬佩能唱歌又敢在舞台上大放異彩的人真是太了不起了OO


另外~參與表演的另一項優點就是能賺到表演過後贊助商免費提供的珍珠奶茶, 茶葉蛋, 和杯子蛋糕 () 天啊~ 這些對因為彩排一整天而體力耗盡的我們來說簡直是比山珍海味還可口許多倍的獎勵和救濟品啊!!! (感動) Chopsticks 101的老闆請接受小女一拜(磕頭)XD


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總之, 晚會能圓滿的落幕真的是非常令人慶幸. 但也難免會有一點落寞感希望明年還有機會能再次參與如此歡樂難忘的Cultural Night!! (但聽說已經有人慫恿會長要舉辦Production 2會不會太快了啊!? XD)


P.S. 我覺得這次女生的妝也選得非常棒喔~ 是指導老師從YouTube上抓下來的影片教學中學來的靈感源自於"阿凡達"裡人物的妝扮. 雖然從觀眾席不能很明顯的看到但近看覺得效果還蠻驚豔的XD 缺點是白色以及黃色的部分會不停的掉要一直補妝我看那群男生們光等我們就都快抓狂了吧()

茵茵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

來了...每次大考前夕的Procrastination篇!! 哇哈哈


雖說這次真的蠻緊張的...畢竟我並不想要一月回來補考啊>< 總之...希望一切順利...


老實說這篇實在是一點意義都沒有 (單純的是在逃避讀書?), 算是最近一些有趣的雜事的總結吧 哈哈


第一件...就是上禮拜我們準備要進講堂考實驗考時, 看到平常講堂前放隨身包包的講台上放了一盤糖果和一堆馬克杯.


嗯...糖果還可以理解 (說是大考前最後一個考試所以要慰勞我們==) 可是馬克杯?


看著先進門的學生一臉困惑的表情, 我們教授一臉慈祥的說


"Oh, you can take them if you want to-"


...啥!? 免費的杯子!?!?


我立即二話不說的抓起一個塞進包包. 而且看到別人沒搶到還在後面沾沾自喜的慶幸自己動作快.


"哇哈哈哈哈~賺到了賺到了~" 我很不要臉的想著.


直到回家後, 我才驚覺....


我要這個幹嘛??? OO


這...這個杯子又不是特別漂亮, 而且笨重又占空間....


我不是才剛因為想要減輕年底打包的負擔所以拜託爸媽把兩箱的東西運回家嗎?? ...而如今我卻因為一時的貪小便宜而又增加了一個沒必要的廢物 (倒) 還真有點令人哭笑不得啊....


只能說由此可見我還是流著台灣人的血? ==+ (這是值得自豪的事嗎...orz)


以下便是那個令人傷腦筋的馬克杯...以及老姐前幾天寄給我的補給品(笑) 外加純粹裝飾用的Dispensing Lab名牌...


Mug and Supplements 


第二件事則是我目前最喜歡的講師 - 生化部門的Tony Zaharic先生前幾個禮拜奪下年度最佳講師的新聞報導! 他應該可以算是我的恩師吧 (雖然他完全不知道我的存在??==) 畢竟這兩年如果不是他教生化的話我也不太可能會那麼順利就pass而且還可以對什麼GMP, AMP的產生那麼一點點的感情. 能把生化這麼死的科目講得如此活潑生動的人真是太少見了... 難怪他也深受許多其他學生的認同XD Mr. Zaharic.... 我永遠也不會忘記你講的有關章魚以及牙醫的笑話...因此我向您獻上我最深的敬意XD


Mr. Tony Zaharic 

Photo by Jane Dawber

Ok... my procrastination ends here. 要為我明天的考試努力!! Microbiology, here I come.....

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This morning was nothing less than an emotional roller-coaster for me.


When I rolled out of bed - all disorientated and weary-boned - I did not immediately click in with the reality. The scene behind my cheap green curtains were somewhat dreary, for a grey drizzle had settled over the city and the obvious wetness of the road kept me from picking jeans out of my wardrobe (since I am severly lacking fitting ones at the moment - they are all so long that they would just start soaking up the puddles on the footpath).


Breakfast followed in the usual relaxed manner - with the usual menu of two pieces of toast, a cup of diluted coffee and the usual entertainment of reading the daily local newspaper. Indeed, I took my time and did not return to my room until 8:30 or so... and continued my old routine of checking other people's blogs and signs of any long-anticipated updates in some online manga sites.


8:50am,  an e-mail alert from my recently-fixed MSN popped up on the computer screen.


I clicked it.


And my heart lurched in my ribcage as the words "dispensing exam results are out and will be posted up on the P2 noticeboard on 6th floor" sprang onto the screen, and registered within my brain.


...Dispensing marks!! TODAY!? ...Well I suppose the retest is next week so they must let us know before then.... I don't want to check it though!! B-But I guess I have to... Come on, face the reality! But what do I do if I failed!? Is it posted up now?? But it said it WILL be posted so that means it's not posted yet... but then when??? Are they trying to kill us? We need to know!!....


A train of incoherent thoughts rushed through my muddled mind as a burst of adrenaline exploded in my chest. Shivering, I decided 10 minutes should be enough for them to put the dreadful list of ID numbers up. So I allowed myself to fidget in my room for that long. Then, when I could sit still for no longer, I grabbed a jacket, scarf, and my keys - then bolted out of my room and straight through the Hayward doors into the crisp morning air.


It was raining still, and only then did I realize, in my desperate frenzy, I had forgotten to grab an umbrella on the way out. I pulled on my hood and made do with the little protection it provided. Anyway, I was not out in the open for long... since Adam's Building and Hayward were merely five minutes apart.


The ancient rickety elevator made me sicker than usual as it shuddered to a stop on 6th floor - and since the dim light in the elevator remained flashing on "5" - indicating 5th level, I did not actually realize I had reached my destination until I saw one of my fellow classmates hovering by the noticeboard.


Well, seems like I wasn't the only one anxious to know my results. But-


"It's not out yet," He informed me.


My heart sank, and the blood which had been pounding in my ears since I first laid my eyes on the announcement gave a final ferocious roar, then simmered out. Oh, please don't tell me I have to endure a whole morning of tingly nerves?


But right at that moment, dear Mr. Fraser - who took our dispensing labs - appeared through the doors leading from the stairs with a long list in his hands.


We gasped, and stood forzen in front of the elevator. It wasn't long for him to notice the two of us gaping at him - or more precisely at the piece of paper in his hand - with intense looks of silent terror, and hence realize who we must have been.


Stopping in his tracks, he turned the paper over so that we could see the list of 30 or so student ID numbers printed in a frightening bold font, and separated into two columns - each for a different stream of re-test times next week. My eyes darted through the numbers so rapidly that they hurt, and as I reached the bottom of the printed texts I almost fainted.


Fainted from relief.


For I did not spot my number among the collection... which means I had passed.


....I passed!!!


After I had double and triple checked the list, I finallly, finally felt the first comforting wave of relief wash over me. The first in two weeks.


Thank you God, for hearing my prayers these past two weeks. (Tears) And hopefully this will also signal the end of my frequent nightmares of dispensing these days (yeah it's sad I know lol).


My classmate was not so fortunate, however. And I heard Mr. Fraser informing him of the place and time when the exam papers would be revised and any error pointed out. Although I could scarcely register what he was saying since my brain had simply frizzled out from the huge disbelief. My ears were ringing, and I could not keep a hysteric grin from my face.


Well, that's one nightmare over, at least.


And perhaps I should really follow Mr Fraser's advice to me as I stumbled back into the elevator.


"Now you should go and have a large cup of coffee or tea!"


Yes, of course now that I have well and truly passed, I can say that this may be a memory all pharmacy students would be laughing over in a few years time. For if anyone else had happened to walk into our lecture room this morning, they would probably have mistaken it for a wedding feast of some sort. People hugging, girls squealing, looks  of true relief, joy and wonder... These will, no doubt, all be part of the unforgettable memories worth looking back on (not that we could ever forget it even if it wasn't worth looking back on) when we venture out into the world as future pharmacists.

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這禮拜真是drama重重啊!! 才剛下完雪  第二天又發生了一件不只令全宿舍的人,還令不少旦尼丁的市民相當震驚的事。


事發當天早上其實是Health Sci的化學考試,所以宿舍裡難得的寧靜。而我便利用這難得的機會把我的書本移到公用的電腦室去,嘗試一下更換讀書環境的效果。結果還讀不到一小時,就收到Miya傳來的簡訊:


"R u looking at it?! lol"


我一頭霧水的盯著螢幕。看什麼?我應該注意到什麼嗎??還是她在惡作劇然後現在正躲在哪裡看我的反應... 或者根本是她寄錯人了??一連串的推測閃過我的腦海 (心機重的傢伙),可是在懷疑的觀察過我周遭的場景並毫無發現任何異狀後我只好回她:


"?? Lookin at wat? =="




"didnt u hear the accident outside?! look at video easy road from ur window!"




"Ooh theres an accident!?! Im in comp room lol"




"ooohh u missd the show! lol this huge crane fell onto the road, dont think someone got hurt so thats good. luke was running around with his camera lol"(註解:Luke是我們的附舍監 - 非常以他一台龐大的相機為榮XD)


Crane?? 那不是鶴嗎?!難不成一隻鶴突然掉到馬路中間??我腦海中馬上浮現一隻巨大的白鶴從天而降並把行人壓扁的景象... 認不住噗哧一笑。


"Crane?? Haha omg funny and random lol is it alive?"


在等待回覆時我還因為白鶴而聯想到的某部悲慘的日本卡通 "安壽與廚子王丸" 而感歎了一下(笑)。


"wat? alive? o! Hahahaha no was talking bout the machine crane not the bird! hahaha thats hilarious!!"


.............咦!? 咦咦咦!?!? 不...不是鶴嗎?? ==||||| 噢買嘎 這時才突然驚覺她是在說"起重機"...........天啊 真是有夠愚蠢的 為什麼我的直覺反應會是鳥咧!? 果然住紐西蘭太久就是不一樣 (羞) 唉 被笑了....


總之  拖了那麼久  我終於決定回到我房間的窗邊好好一探究竟,結果自己也被嚇一跳。整個畫面真的好嚴重啊!!只見一整台起重機翻倒在離我們宿舍不過幾公尺的大馬路中央,而且整個車尾是懸在半空中的,前方的吊桿也被嚴重的扭曲... 看來一台百萬吊車就這麼泡湯了。不過好笑的是我們宿舍有一大群人早就衝出去加入幾十個圍觀的行人了,而且還有很多人興奮得回來報告實況... 原來鳥人也有這一面啊!(笑)但說得也是... 這本是人之常情嘛!台灣人只不過是稍微極端了一點罷了XD All I did was watch from afar... although I had to crane my neck to see the crane (冷)


更盡爆的是最後連報社記者還有新聞記者都來了,也因此當天晚上我們宿舍大概有四分之一的人都守在電視機前面興奮地等待晚間新聞(想必是在期待那可能會被拍到的萬分之一的機會吧-只不過很遺憾的他們只有採訪幾個司機和相關人士)但是聽完報導感覺整個事件的來龍去脈都還是被很含糊的帶過,所以直到今天早上看完報上的報告真相才算是水落石出吧!(以下便是Otago Daily Times今早的地區頭條新聞報導)


而且奇蹟似的  這次意外竟毫無一人受傷。可是聽Miya說她親眼看到起重機倒下時一輛巴士離它只不過相差幾公分... 真的是驚險萬分OO 好險好險 看來上帝還是有在眷顧我們的 ^^ 也辛苦那些警察和工人啦... 不但要維持交通一整天,到晚上七點都還在努力的把扭曲的吊桿割開運走  == 我們Hayward可是看了一整天啊!


fallen crane  
The 63m-long boom of a crane shook surrounding buildings when it crashed on to Frederick St and across the Cumberland St intersection in Dunedin yesterday. Photo by Craig Baxter.


Narrow escape as crane crashes

By Sarah Harvey on Thu, 18 Jun 2009


A bus full of 6- and 7-year-olds narrowly escaped disaster yesterday when its driver managed to stop just centimetres from a falling 49-tonne crane in central Dunedin. The 63m boom of the crane smashed on to Frederick St and through the Cumberland St intersection, narrowly missing the bus, other vehicles and pedestrians.


No-one was seriously hurt in the incident, which happened about 10.50am after the mobile crane, owned by Dunedin Crane Hire, had finished lifting a cooling tower to the top of the Dunedin Hospital ward block.


Hospital workers Vania Larkins and Sara Ross were in Frederick St and "panicked" when they saw the tip of the crane start to fall and the rear of the cab lift off the ground.


It seemed to move in slow motion before hitting the ground with a loud bang, which shook the buildings around it.


Hundreds of onlookers stopped to take photographs.


The bus, which was on its way to drop 50 Outram School pupils at Otago Museum, stopped about 50cm from the crane, Ms Larkins said.


Mosgiel Coach Services owner and bus driver Bob Mitchell was a reluctant hero yesterday.


The bus held precious cargo for him in the form of two grandchildren.


"It was as close as you would want to get.


I saw it just before it hit the road, and it was either going to hit the bus, or we would have hit it."


Mr Mitchell said he did nothing special other than slam on the brakes.


Outram School principal Greg Carroll said it was a "fairly dramatic way for the children to be making their entrance into town".


However, Mr Mitchell had done a "stunning job".


None of the children was injured, although a teacher hurt her wrist during the sudden stop.


Motorist Nicki Shea said she would be buying a Lotto ticket after the crane narrowly missed her car.


She was waiting in Frederick St to cross the intersection towards the crane when it fell.


"I was a shaking mess," she said.


Dunedin Crane Hire owner Doug Hall said he did not yet know what had caused the $1 million, 4-year-old crane to tip over, but said it could have been a computer malfunction.


The crane, which was insured, was working well within its limits, he said.


The crane driver, who was shaken by the incident, was experienced, he said.


"He'll be back at work tomorrow."


The arm of the crane had to be cut into pieces before the vehicle could be picked up by two other cranes and righted yesterday afternoon.


Cumberland St was reduced to one lane at the intersection, before being reopened about 1pm.


The Department of Labour is yet to determine whether it will conduct an investigation.


fallen crane outside Dunedin hospital 
Photo: Fairuz Zainudin (↑吊車旁邊灰灰的建築就是旦尼丁醫院。而旁邊很多玻璃窗的就是我們宿舍... 有夠近吧! 看得一清二楚 嘿嘿)

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Snowy view from my room!  


今天一大早  從床上掙扎著撐起疲憊的身軀


Snowy carpark 


一片晶瑩剔透 純潔雪白的景象!
天啊 我還是第一次在旦尼丁看到那麼多雪...


從Invercargil(更靠近南極的地方)來的學妹: "What?? That's not snow! It's just heavy frost."
從奧克蘭來的學妹:"Oh my gosh you sound sooo snobby!! I'm telling you, I've seen heavy frost and it's not like that, that's snow!"
"But snow is when you can go to school and sink into it and roll around-"
"Hey I came to Otago because it snows here, so shut up!"
"Awwww you came here because of the snow?? That's sooo cute..." (sympathetic pat)


不過光是從我的窗戶看著一群群的大一生興致勃勃的從車輛, 草地, 柏油路搜刮冰雪並搓成雪球
唉唉 為什麼我已經大二了呢??
的確  好像邊衝出去邊大喊"哇~~下雪了下雪了!!"有種破壞前輩風範的感覺
所以我只有站在窗邊拍照的份 (雖然照不太出來... 可是雪花滿天飛舞的確蠻震撼的~XD)


While snowing... 


當然  美歸美
下午要在雪中走去大學邊境的Tower Lecture Room考試可不是鬧著玩的
.....還是偶爾下一次就夠了吧 (嘆)


現在也終於考完三科了 (今年所有題目都跟考古題不同是怎樣!?!)
繼續加油吧!! (↓ 又在房間自high ==|||)



crazy procrastination again


what studying does to you... 



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 Crazy Procrastination Times!!


話說.... 書讀太多真的會變得瘋瘋癲癲的XDD 這是我跟Miya在昨天晚上(或者應該說今天凌晨)在Jayani房門的白板上的惡作劇... 很無聊但是很爆笑 orz (自high兩人組)


今晚突然有種想更新網誌的衝動... 果然越接近大考就越有種想混的慾望。更何況看一些與書本毫無相干的東西何嘗不是一件愉快的事啊~ 不過眼看離期末考的天數已經屈指可數,心中還是會不禁感到一陣慌亂。畢竟藥學系是只要單單當掉一個Paper就要留級的啊! (淚) (...話說最近才聽說我們班上某位韓國女生其實已經大四了可是不幸的已經連續兩年都當掉orz) 不過更新的主要原因當然還是因為實在隔太久了... (平常只會邊瀏覽別人的網誌邊抱怨"怎麼都沒更新~好無聊喔~".....==||| 我看我也沒資格說人家了)


嗯... 這個月來我都在幹嘛呢?? 課業大概不講也罷 - 還是老樣子的每個禮拜考試然後偶爾給我們丟個18%的期中考來轟炸一下我們癱瘓的腦細胞(生理學~~你跟我們有仇嗎!?)。不過最令人氣憤的還是原本是上禮拜二要講的Presentation竟然在前一分鐘給我們及時取消(教授生重病的樣子)...然後事後又若無其事的丟了一封e-mail說要把它延到下個學期。(無言)那我們練習那麼久是怎樣!? 我們竟然白白浪費那麼多星期天下午關在圖書館討論... 真是愚蠢。


咳咳... 雖說課業不講也罷但還是忍不住抱怨了一堆 (汗) 至於社交方面嘛~ 16號在宿舍辦了一年一度的 "International Formal Dinner" (國際晚宴),是一個以不同國家以及文化為主題的正式晚餐。說實話今年的佈置真的非常成功呀~ 連我步入餐廳大門時也不禁讚嘆了一番。天花板上掛著各國國旗還有從牆上吊飾著的黃色小燈散發出的柔和光芒真的為昏暗的大廳添加了不少氣氛... 當然雪白的桌巾還有每桌上擺放著的廉價(...即使這樣還是有不少被偷渡出餐廳啦XD)葡萄酒更是不能少。唯一美中不足的大概就是只有非常少數的人有依照主題去穿上代表各國的傳統服飾吧 (其實就只有我們這幾個二年級, 副舍監夫人, 還有兩三個學妹而已) 不過今年我們會特別用心也是因為去年我們完全沒想到會需要帶到具有國家代表性的服裝來大學而因此驚覺它的重要性 ==+ 總之,我那一件改良式旗袍也是今年回紐西蘭之前才急忙從台灣的拍賣網上買的。(最麻煩的應該還是頭髮吧... 我那髮型可是花了我整整一個小時啊 - 本來看網上的圖片還以為蠻簡單的說..... 唉 為什麼當初要挑一個這麼折磨人的髮型咧!? 真是自討苦吃== 結論就是... 當女生是非常麻煩的)至於食物本身也至少比平日的伙食好十倍以上 - 還卡布奇諾口味的冰淇淋咧~ 平常只有廉價又詭異的巧克力草莓香草混合體 (??) 而且廚房伙計還充當了一晚的服務生一桌一桌慢慢的記下每個人主食的選擇,真是辛苦他們了呀! 我們這些亞洲學生也很High的在餐廳後方自己狂拍了很多照片(總覺得其他鳥人不停的朝我們這個方向投以一種異樣的眼光XD)


Hayward's International Formal Dinner


月初的時候也有一件蠻經典的事 - 就是在一個藥學系韓國學長生日時用鮮奶油砸他的臉 (笑) 其實用塗滿鮮奶油的蛋糕或派砸壽星的臉算是Otago的傳統之一吧, 加上去年Miya生日也是由那位學長"行兇"的所以今年Miya就很積極的想要報復XD 而且學長明明很清楚我們會作什麼他還是願意主動來宿舍吃晚餐自投羅網...人真好(淚) 不過因為臨時得知他要來結果來不及準備蛋糕, 只得從廚房偷鮮奶油將就一下(順便淋上一些草莓醬以及灑上巧克力XD)。總之,雖然過程驚險但最後還是順利的包圍了他然後執行了計劃==+對不起啦~虧我還拿了你那麼多筆記和考古題 (奸笑)


Thomas's "Pie"


然後上禮拜五晚上受班上一位台灣同學的邀請去聽了一場他們華人教會的特別講座,因為乍聽之下主題好像還蠻有趣的- "風水與面相的真實性"。當晚的來賓是某位從香港來的牧師 (經歷聽起來很嚇人 - 又是教授又是甚麼節目的主持人的 (汗)) 不過講座本身是不怎麼樣就是了... 可能是因為全程他都是先用廣東話講一句, 然後旁邊一位教會會友再用中文翻譯一遍所以整個聽起來就有點斷斷續續的感覺。加上內容又有點深澳,有些笑點也不知道到底在哪裡OO 所以雖然有些部分蠻有趣的... 到最後我已經很不幸的整個陷入放空狀態(笑) 不過接下來的幾首聖詩 (雖然是改編成比較現代的那種) 讓我又有點回到久違的作禮拜氣氛中,所以很不錯囉!當然我還是比較喜歡傳統一點的教會風格啦-而且從小到大去過的教會不是台語就是英文,讓我對中文的環境反而感到一種莫名的陌生感。嗯 可是還是非常感謝那位同學的邀請^^ 畢竟去了之後才赫然發現我們班上有多少亞洲人都有參與那個教會。(是只有我那麼古板嗎... 可是我就是不太喜歡現代華人教會的風格嘛="=)


最後稍微談一下天氣好了! 聽說明天會下雪 (情報來源=報紙) 不過今天氣溫明明比平常都溫暖啊?? 好幾個禮拜不見的太陽還難得露面了一整天... 可是報上的確說明天氣溫會維持在3-7度左右..... 看來今晚暖氣還是開大一點比較保險? 不知道台灣是不是已經開始熱了呢~ 想想去年十月底的氣溫已經如此的悶熱就已經不敢想像台灣的夏天到底是甚麼地獄般的折磨。算算我也已經九年沒在夏天回台灣啦! 好想念夏季的水果啊~ >< 還有粽子!!! 前天端午節竟連一粒粽子應景一下也沒有...只有老爸一大清早就傳簡訊報告他們在台東吃了誰誰誰送的粽子, 跟誰分著吃了甚麼甚麼粽子.....==||||| 這...這是故意的嗎!?


那就先祝在台的各位期末考順利啦~ 爸媽運動也要加油!! 要再接再厲呀!!! 老姊... 我要妳的頭腦...我的Dispensing真是糟糕 ==|||

茵茵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

 Physiology at College Auditorium


今天 第一學期的前半段終於告一段落
課業緊考試多之類的當然不在話下, 但是擴展人際關係這方面倒是有一點小小成果啦
累死啦 從來沒有那麼積極跟人家社交過(癱瘓)
不過選藥學系就是有同學固定的這項好處(....唯一的好處?? ==)
所以下課空檔時主動跟別人打招呼, 實驗前拼命的跟站在附近的人找話題
就變成我目前隨時都在提醒自己應該作的事. (不過應該有人覺得我很煩吧....)


當然班上也有台灣人(大陸人更多就是了) - 目前正在慢慢的搜索中(奸笑)
"台東??..........I think I know where it is......"
"台東? 我從來沒聽過欸."
"喔喔 台東原住民很多吧? 他們是不是在平地也會打獵??"
"我沒去過台東耶.... 那邊還蠻偏僻的...."


......唉唉 每次我都差點失控的直接揮一拳過去.
我想 我稍微了解大家在西部大學的感受了呀 (嘆)
不過我們要爭氣一點呀  絕對絕對要以我們美麗的家鄉為榮!!


嗯嗯 回到最近生活的話題......
其實前兩個禮拜都在花時間讀 - 話說這學期最難的 - 生理學(Physiology)
全班有29人沒過, 而我很幸運的 - 又過了 哇哈哈哈==+
(Not that I want to boast but.... can't help slipping out that I got 27 out of 34 - in the top 14 people in the class! Hehehe)
糟糕的是我朋友中還有三種檢定考(數學, Pharmaceutical Calculations, 英文)都沒在第一次考過的(汗)


再來是天氣 - 旦尼丁真的是.......變化多端啊.
是因為季節在轉換中嗎? 天氣的轉變之迅速真的很麻煩...
(令人不知一天要換幾次衣服, 回家拿幾次雨傘, 抓幾件雨衣)
尤其是最近的氣候似乎又變得更加無法預測 - 尤其是昨天
出去卻凍得臉頰發白, 手指僵硬, 口吐白煙.
然後開始颳大風, 下大雨, 把我們這群從College Auditorium狂奔回醫院的無助學生逼得寸步難行
(雨傘沖天炮的景象老姐應該已經很能想像了吧 哈哈)
之後才知道原來是下了一大場冰刨 ==||| (看來我們還算幸運的...吧)
接著是更多的風跟雨  冷與凍
重點是現在才四月啊!! 連冬天都還沒到就冷成這樣....
(像我在打這篇文章的時候太陽已經冒出來三次了... 這是甚麼鬼城市啊!?)



View from my room on a rainy day...



當然 接下來短暫卻美好的假期就要開始了
九個月不見的Princes Drive家在呼喚著
佈滿了灰塵的床  令人懷念的Nelson餐廳
難得的團聚  雖然才短短的幾天  卻是無比珍貴的時光
希望老天爺保佑 明天能晴空萬里  班機能準時抵達


噢 在此也祝大家復活節快樂!! 雖然台灣好像買不到復活節蛋還有Hot cross buns, 可是大家也要好好慶祝慶祝這個重要的節日喔 ^^


P.S. 在家期間我並沒有網路可用 - 因為目前那個家裡是沒人住的. 所以如果有人好心留言的話 (hint hint) 我回宿舍後會盡快回覆的~

茵茵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

otago university 

Thank God... there's finally time for me to pause and take a long proper breath...


Ever since the announcement two weeks ago about the presentation for Pharmaceutical Practices, and the Pharmaceutical Calculations Test for PHCY254, there has been an endless array of things to worry about. But now with the presentation over and done with (finally), the results of the Calculations Test out, and the English Test finished, my heart feels slightly lighter (even if it's only temporary).


The presentation required alot of group meetings and discussion over who would be responsible for which section of the research. Fortunately, though, all of my group members are girls (very important ==+) and really awesome people who do have a sense of duty. So even though one of them kept delaying the meeting times on the day (well, she's Malaysian, what do you expect?? Gosh I'm racist hrhr), we all completed our share of the work reasonably smoothly. As for the presentation itself... well, of course we were all pretty stressed out before that (me in particular since I have the longest speech) but after practising in my room for an hour and a half before the workshop we managed to calm ourselves a little... which didn't last for very long since the surge of panic hit us with an even stronger impact after we stepped through the doors of Hunter Centre and saw the rest of Group C waiting around nervously by the door, murmuring over their cue cards and lips twitching with forced smiles... But we were lucky, once again, to have been drawn as the third group to do our presentation which meant we were able to get it over and done with this week XDD So yeah, we did it, though only after a very long wait since the Indian group before us had a painfully long 20-minute one and an extraordinarily long question session (nothing less from Indians hrhrhr). The other two members were fine from what I heard (雖然蘿賽朵的"調高尾音"非常之嚴重....聽得有點痛苦) but I was so nervous that I couldn't control the trembling of my hands - at one point I accidentally clicked the enter button twice cos it was shaking so much, and then I nearly dropped my cue cards ==||| Terrible. I thought I had gotten better after high school but I definitely should not underestimate what the lack of practice can do to you!! And I was most probably speaking too fast too - though I couldn't remember much of what I actually said afterwards since my mind went completely blank during the speech... But anyway - it's OVER!!! So I'm currently in no mood to work and that's probably why I'm typing this out (whoop procrastination rules).


As for the Calculation Test results which came out today... I passed!!! XDD Half of our class failed and I was fortunate enough to be in the other half... *huge sigh of relief* The lecturer all scared us shitless when she announced (with a knowing smile, mind you) the news yesterday... and then she would constantly remind us throughout the lecture about how "half of you should be able to do this calculation" and then chuckle to herself... argh. Anyhow, I am eternally thankful for my good fortune.


We also had an English Test yesterday which didn't count for anything but must be passed in order to pass the paper... more of a level check? And as expected, the listening section was my weakest - it wasn't so much the understanding, but more of the memory!! Does short-term memory run in our family or something?? I'm aboslutely terrible at taking in what I hear (ahhh maybe that's why I can't concentrate in lectures?? Maybe I should skip them altogether??....Hmmm). As for the writing and interpreting the graph - it was ok I suppose. Although I just copied the title as "the main idea of the graph" and then rambled on about the trend of the number of prescriptions dispensed and the price of each prescription... I hope it made sense though - would they empathize with us poor students who had to somehow conjure up an amazing inspiring piece of writing under exam conditions?? The grammar, spelling, and puncutation correction part in the middle section was actually pretty interesting from my point of view (no one seemed to agree with me though), I mean... knowing the "UK" has to be in capitals isn't that difficult right?? But then perhaps I shouldn't say this before the results come out... (sweat) A huge thanks to Mary Hill - if I passed this test most of the credit would definitely be due to her!


And then there was the absolutely hectic organic chem lab yesterday - in which no one was able to complete all the excercises given in the lab book within 3 hour period. So at the end everyone just ended up frantically copying down each other's answers. And the annoying demonstrators who proved to be no help AT ALL because they all gave us different answers and - when we were confused - laugh at us! What the hell?? And what right do they have to get annoyed at the end of the lab when it looked like they would not be out of there by 5? Perhaps they should have helped us out a little bit more then!? Hmph.


Ok, that's about my academic life (which is sadly taking up most of my whole life right now) summed up. Somehow I've gone into the habit of having a cup of coffee every morning this year too - otherwise it's literally impossible to stay awake in lectures T_T Now I only have to worry about the EOMT (End of Module Test) for organic chem on Friday and then it's the marvellous weekend again, when I can slowly savour the frozen cheesecakes I bought from the supermarket and treat myself to a few movies XD


Ooh and just a side note about the Health Sci's - it's hilarious seeing them stressing out over the tiny little 5% HUBS test this Saturday!! XDD And also the CELS one next week - oh classic. I'm finally getting my share of bullying hahaha ==+ Really want to do what Thomas did to us last year too - make them rush to St. David's to check their "results" (evil grin). Also a really funny thing which happened in a Health Sci lecture recently... apparently half-way through the lecture someone threw a live DUCK into the lecture theatre and it hit the wall, fell onto the ground all broken and in pain, and got taken out by the calm lecturer...XDD (Well maybe I shouldn't be laughing since it was quite unfortunate for the duck) But a DUCK?? Well well... the most interesting things do happen at Health Sci lectures. Like how two people fainted in two different streams of HUBS lectures on Black Friday last week too... (what are the chances of that!? ...a bit creepy I guess ==)


Uhh yup enough rambling from me - better go and do my laundry and enjoy the brief - extremely brief - period of de-stressing peace I have decided to put aside for myself.


P.S. Doesn't anyone think this new blog template is very New Zealand!? I mean the combination of "silver ferns" and "sheep" and "church" and "trees"... shocking, really. Although if you think everyone wears the country-girl outfit and carries around a basket to collect eggs then you'd probably be disappointed *coughcough*

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It's that time of the year again. The time when everyone either clings to strangers for dear life or get wacked over the head with smelly old socks... and die.


...Yes, it's unsockable time!! XDD


This is an annual event at Hayward which normally lasts for about a week; a game, in fact, and an extremely simple yet complex game at that. Simple in terms of the rules, and complex because... well, because of many, many things. It's an awfully cruel and painful game - one in which you are forced to betray your friends, and involving a fair amount of tears, sweat, and bruises (or even blood if you're unlucky hrhr).


Ok, lets start with the aim and rules of this game for those of you who haven't lived in Hayward or aren't still living here right now...



To "assasinate" your assigned target by hitting or touching him/her with a sock. Then continue to kill the target's target until there are only the last two participants remaining in the game hunting each other down.



1. Participants cannot sock their target when he/she is in one of the following safe zones: Aquarium(bigger TV room), Dining Room, Bathroom, Bedroom, in lectures.


2. Participants cannot sock their target if he/she is physically touching another human being.


3. The safe zones will gradually decrease one by one as the game goes on (to be announced).


Yeah, that's it. Simple? Sure, although it may not be as easy as seem. You will be surprised at how many strategies and tricks are passed down each year by our lovely seniors... such as the one used by Sonal on Jayani (who were close friends of course - making it all the more cruel) - when she asked Jayani to hold onto her in the corridor because her friend was going to the toilet; and as soon as she did Sonal let go and socked her. Talk about betrayal!! And the few which were suspected to be possible strategies this year - knocking on the target's door and pretending to ask for directions to someone's room then asking to be shown (which gives him the perfect opportunity to sock the target as she steps out of her room to point out the room)... this NEARLY happened to Miya haha. Also another interesting strategy - slipping a note under a target's door saying she DID have the target but she got socked and warning the target to watch out for another person... this happened to me actually, although I soon found out that the note and warning was genuine lol. (You can never be too careful though...==+) However, my favourite strategy remains this....

unsockable assassin!

Please note that it is a black STOCKING on her head - which acts both as a disguise AND a weapon... absolutely ingenious! Need I say who came up with this idea? XDDD


Although to be honest, I don't think this game is particularly fair. For you can still do pretty well in the game (survive longer) even if you don't sock anyone - the important thing is to keep safe (always cling onto someone and never come out of your room etc - I was accused of the latter this year but unfortunately it should be I'm never IN my room cos of my busy pharmacy timetable *coughcough*) Which was the case for me last year - when I only socked one person and got into the finals (incredibly shocked at the time - what the hell!? what kind of weird logic is this!?!). This year also... if I hadn't "committed suicide" and went looking for my assassin to be voluntarily killed (Shhhh.... only did this because all the ladies floor people were way too hard-out about this game and desperate to get the floor points the winner receives lol The pressure!! Might as well give the opportunity to someone else right? XD) I'd probably still be in the game one day from the deadline even though I haven't socked anyone (I'll have to clarify this though - it was actually impossible to sock my target because she's one of those people who ALWAYS cling onto her friends and who travels in packs... well, she's in health sci, what else would you expect??) I have to say I was more than happy to hand my target over to my assassin (also a health sci... geeky asian guy with glasses who was extremely excited about his new assignment hehe).


And worse still, I was forced to betray Miya for ladies floor... since my neighbour from across the corridor just happened to be after Miya. So as Miya came innocently down to ladies floor, came - totally oblivious - to knock on my door, my neighbour came bursting through her door and thrashed her with a sock. ...I'm sorry!! And I'm even more sorry to say that I'm blaming this inhumane game for my betrayal XD


So yeah... the game's still going, and the outcome is yet to be announced. Yet even though I'm out of the game (have to act as if I'm incredibly mortified at my failure and that I aboslutely MUST play in the second round held in second semester...) it's still amusing to see a horde of intense-looking guys guarding the front door of Hayward everyday; and some suspicious looking people lurking around on each floor which is clearly not where his/her room was. Occassionally there's also the thunderous sound of sprinting from one of the floors overhead which feels like an earthquake complete with screams and squeals. Yup, it would sure be interesting to witness the "dual" that's supposed to be held tomorrow night between the last two participants ==+


Go ladies floor!! I mean, girls are better at strategizing than guys so... we are destined to win!! ≧▽≦


P.S. Might I also add a note that it's strangely disturbing seeing huge muscley guys gripping onto eachother and looking paranoid... classic.

茵茵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

  • Mar 03 Tue 2009 09:24
  • 開學

My room


開學才第二天  卻感覺已經離美好的假期非常遙遠了


不過說實在的... 忙也就算了
為什麼從College Auditorium到醫院的這一段路
雖然這不是我第一次這麼希望  可是...


老實說  現在一切正式課程都還未開始
唯一值得高興的  大概就是開始慢慢認識系上的同學了吧
之前一千多人的Health Sci擠在同一間講堂  感覺卻無比的陌生
希望接下來的三年  我們這些同甘共苦的戰友們都能互相幫助


喔 這麼說來之前的藥學營我也都還沒提過呢
實在是非常辛苦(沒錯 一部分的潔癖來自我媽XD).
真的  感覺就像流浪了好幾個禮拜卻一直找不到一個能歇歇腳的地方安心休息.
最後我們只好以不停的玩團體遊戲及撲克牌來打發時間 O_O
雖然有幾個遊戲還蠻爆笑的... (The Stick Game... hrhr)
(雖然獎品對我來說是不怎麼有吸引力啦... 什麼夜店優待卷啊==)


台灣 台東 爸媽 好想念你們啊
不過現在的確是要收收心 好好靜下心來讀書囉
總之  走一步算一步吧

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Wow. I really don't know where to start. It really is as Jack the RA said - first year of uni is one of the biggest changes anyone would ever experience in his or her life.


As I'm sitting here today, exams over (mwahahaha!), extremely sleep-deprived from the accumulation of late-nights (hard to say it was all studying though), surrounded by mountains of half-filled cardboard boxes, but nevertheless gloating in a cloud of excitement... the fact that my first year as a University student is about to come to an end finally hit me. Sad? Yes, definitely - especially after my lovely neighbour went through a phase of "emoness" and constantly reminded me of "the last time you'll see the satellite on the hill covered by mist" and "the last time that bird's going to stop on the branch outside your window"... and then we would both go quiet and simply stare at the object in question and try to grasp the sense of loss. Packing was quite difficult too... stripping my room of the countless anime cards and posters, peeling each item of clothing off the crooked hangers in my overstuffed wardrobe, it all got too emotional, really. It was just as Jenn said... "it was like stripping off pieces of yourself and packing them up in a box".


Oh, and of course there's the sadness of being yet another year older... but I guess my sister would beat me to death if I complained about that.


Ah, and then come the time for reminiscing... all the "I remember"s, and "remember when"s.


I remember O-week, and Pauline saying how quickly this year would go by, the Tacky Tourist Trip which I went and missed the Taiwanese Association barbecue for, and the beach day (with Wei's black umbrella).


Also the night when G4+Wei went to Countdown at 1 o'clock in the morning, then Jayani, Jenn, Caine, Charissa, Margaret, and I stayed up all night (til 8:30am)... the 3 cups of coffee (for me) and 3 hours of truth or dare to keep us awake, and the few people who failed along the way and went to bed before breakfast at 8:30 - Wei and APAPA. That was also the night when the discussion about Wei's towel dance came up and he was forever being harrassed to do it in public. Jenn's attempt to stay awake by helping the weekend cleaner lady vacuum the Games Room in the morning was pretty classic too!


And let's not forget about the April Fools Prank which never really happened - the "AP meetings" (which should really be AF but Jayani couldn't spell), with Miya and Jenn's amazing discovery of the eerie screech in one of the broken taps in the Lady's Floor bathroom which ended up being used in our prank phone call recording - along with Miya's breathing and my strained voice-over of "24 hoursss..." But even though the phone call was done (with Thomas's cellphone), the rest of the horror movie theme never went ahead due to various reasons. Although the victim was indeed scared shitless throughout the day (first thing he asked us in the morning after the prank call at midnight was "do you know this number?"...*snort*) and Thomas certainly seemed to enjoy sending stalker-ish texts to him! Oh, and Jenn's love letter which got read out by the second years...HA!


There was also the 5-hour love-couseling coffee break with Jenn in the link - which we missed cells, hubs and chem lectures for ==+ In fact, we were there for so long that two people came, sat, and left again during different intervals of our break. This was followed by another 2-hour coffee break in The Fix in the afternoon - during which we stole sugar bags and wrote random messages with Jenn's coloured pens - something along the lines of "It hailed for the first time today!! So romantic" and "Conclusion: we don't know!".... good times.


This was followed soon after by THE fight... the breakup of G4+Wei to G3 and Wei & Jayani. Break-up point? HUBS discussion before the second terms test, where Jenn and I cowered in a corner of Jayani's room on a blanket and the rest of the nerds gathered on the other side of the room and eyed us with an air of superiority and silent accusations of "retards"...(okay, maybe that's a bit harsh. But that's certainly true for J**s - hint: 4th floor, computer hog, bitch in general)


Another thing that was memorable was the study group with Jenn and Charissa in Jenn's room before the First Semester final exams. How we kept getting distracted by Kenshin (sorry guys, I apologze for my husband's irresistable charm), and how it snowed for the first time on Charissa's birthday - right on midnight, too! And yes, that deserved another sugar bag momento.


What else happened? Oh yes, the last few days... when my loving neighbour began studying in my room (I'm not being sarcastic by the way). And the hours of procrastination with the occassional appearances of Miya and her 蔡旻佑 frenzy... the constant loading of YouTube clips of Aaron Yen (炎亞倫) from Farenheit - a.k.a one of Jenn's husbands - and the constant screaming and sighs of admiration whenever one of the above two smiled. Lovely. All the best for the Assam Milk Tea competition Miya... and Jenn, fly to Malaysia for the Farenheit concert!! I'll look forward to sifting through truckloads of Farenheit and Evan Yo merchandises under heavy disguise.


The increible amount of caffeine I've drunken over the past week has also been quite alarming. Although I know Miya and her rebellious acts (though with severe consequences!!) will still hold the top of the charts for a while yet.


Here I just have to add a few of Miya's classic texts during our nutty study breaks. Sort of like a tribute to her dedication to 蔡旻佑... (sorry Miya... think you'd forgive me if I said that)


"good morning, good mornin, good mornin to u~, good mornin, good mornin, how do u do~?"


(Referring to you-know-who) "I have his photo on my laptop and he was helping me with Chinese conversation just then hehehe (crazy grin)"


(You-know-who... again) "O yea he jst shouted "wo keyi ai ni ma~!" and I want to shout "keyi~ inwei wo ai ni~!""


So yes, it's been an eventful year. And it makes me wonder how next year is going to turn out. Well, there are the trips to look forward to, and the J+W+S(?) love triangle to entertain us, and new HSFYs (who think they have a chance of getting into Med) to scare... so even though I'll no longer have a beautiful neighbour *coughcough* and I will no doubt be so lonely that I'll want to hug the tree we both shared this year, 2009 will be one I'll be excited to experience.


But for now.... packing, procrastinating (well, it's really "legalised bumming around" now), sleeeeep... and treasure the remaining time I have as a first year student in Hayward. *dumping shredded exam papers out of my window with a crazy laugh*


I'll miss you, tree. (A.k.a Amber) You and your ever-changing leaf colours and whispering branches have always been the best indication of the season transitions, and I loved it when your golden hue matched with my duvet cover!! I remember coming into my room for the first time and hearing your welcoming rustling as the small green leaves cast emerald shadows against the cream walls. And now as the leaves grew back from the bare twigs in a brighter shade of green, it is time for me to depart again. Farewell, may your presence comfort another first-year student as it had comforted me.

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今天終於考完第一科(Human Body Systems)了


這是大考前在旦尼丁出了名的Library Rush
也就是早上八點整 Otago大學最大的圖書館Central Library開門的時候
天啊 簡直就像是西班牙的Stampede ==
不過說起來這些人真了不起啊...大概有十之八九是Health Sci (nerds)吧?
(在此聲明...我並不在上面== 因為懶得跟那些瘋子搶所以考試期間我都躲在房間自己讀書啊啊)


以下是伴隨著這張照片的Otago Daily Times報導...


Students race for study spaces as exams begin
By Allison Rudd on Thu, 16 Oct 2008
Photo by Gerard O'Brien


The arrival of end-of-year exams has led to a migration of a different kind for University of Otago students.


Hundreds of them are rising with the sparrows to secure their favourite study spots at the institution's libraries, queuing for up to half an hour to ensure being among the first through the doors.


The main information services building, which generally has study spaces for about 2200 students, plus extra seating for a few more at exam time, opens each weekday morning at 8am and closes at 11pm. Yesterday, as they had every day for the past week or so, the first students were on the doorsteps by 7.30am, lending services co-ordinator Tina Broderick said.


As 8am approached, numbers had swelled to an estimated 250 outside the main entrance and another 150 at the west door.


"We draw a bigger crowd than [Prime Minister] Helen Clark did when she was on campus on Monday," one staff member quipped as he watched the crowd building up.


When the doors opened most of the students dashed up the stairs and made a beeline for tables and cubicles on the first floor.


It would have been a similar scene when the doors opened at other libraries such as the law library, the medical library and the science library, Ms Broderick said.


Even with the temporary extra seating, all the libraries were packed throughout the day during mid-year and end-of-year exams, she said.


"We're open all year, but the students know exam time is crunch time."


Students could stay as long as they liked, she said, but staff moved their gear on if they deserted their posts for an unreasonably long period.


End-of-year exams began yesterday for about 12,700 undergraduate students and continue until November 8.


A total of 615 exam papers are being sat in 25 rooms on the Dunedin campus, 25 venues throughout New Zealand and in some 35 venues overseas, including Alkmaar in the Netherlands, Helsinki in Finland, Masan in South Korea and Winnipeg in Canada.

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雖然大概沒人會相信, 不過這次絕對不是我出的主意!!

因此前一天我們還去超市採購了一籃洋芋片, 巧克力, 果汁, 爆米花
連當天早餐的燕麥粥和優格都買了(我們還是很健康的 哈哈)

八點  兩個穿著睡衣的大學生  坐在鋪著毛毯的地板上
在伸手可及的零食圈內  睡眼惺忪的啜著咖啡
Fate/Stay Night  命運長夜

整個系列24集  在看完後我們沉默了一會兒
包誇休息及泡麵的時間  九個小時
但我們相識一笑 低頭看了看一包包只剩殘渣的包裝

當然  FSN女主角的魅力也毫無衰退
超帥的啊  Saber

天啊  怎麼越來越像宅女了!?

Although tomorrow... is always a day ahead. XD

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Swimming sports  

前天是我們女校一年一度的Swimming Sports(游泳大會),
而我...就是我們黃色學院, Waimea的啦啦隊一員. 

 其實游泳大會雖然11:30am才正式開幕, 一切的準備工作早在四十五分鐘前便已開始. 
於是在10:45am, 上完兩節課的我們依照老師的命令準時回到了班級教室, 
並利用僅僅幾十分鐘的時間換上了擁有自己學院代表顏色的衣服, 帽子, 以及所有能戴的珠寶. 
短短八分鐘, 教室裏便佈滿了五顏六色的布條和髮飾. 
十分鐘, 桌上便散落著瓶瓶罐罐五花八門的化妝品跟水彩. 
整個房間的氣氛頓時熱鬧異常, 興奮的吵雜聲在我耳邊嗡嗡作響. 
還有老媽的防曬手臂套了(Proper Name: Unknown)...== 
什麼狗項圈, 垃圾袋, 碎布, 洋蔥袋, 樹葉, 還有其他雜七雜八的東東幾乎都派上了用場. 
因此之後的半小時, 像我這種只需要花五分鐘, 裝扮乏味的人就只能安靜的坐在一旁嚼著三明治, 
但最誇張的還是Rhiannon... 她不但用了捲髮器, 還在頭上灑了大量的紅色的亮粉和噴漆... 
看來Maitai (紅色學院) 之所以會享有"風騷學院"的名聲果然是有原因的呀...(呵呵, so mean)

今年Waimea被排在游泳池的左側, 因此是第二個遊行下去的學院. 
不過雖然我們的House Captain拼命的喊口號想炒熱氣氛,
畢竟紫色學院因為全都是住宿生, 所以口令自然是練得滾瓜爛熟, 而氣勢也就更嚇人了. 
在游泳池旁坐定後, 三個小時我都沒離開一步...或者說是, 無法離開一步. 
雖然今年黃色學院被安排到的位置沒有如去年般在泳池右側的Grand Stand狹窄, 
因此我只能坐在長板凳上任由太陽蒸發我的肌膚, 把我晒得隱隱作痛. 
(↑別懷疑, 我的確有擦防曬油, 戴帽子, 撐洋傘...但紐西蘭陽光的力量是深不可測的==) 

游泳大會除了選手之間的比賽, 當然也有其他更有趣的競賽. 
例如"The Raft Race"... 這是每年依照慣例都會舉行的比賽. 
每年在開始之前Mr. Valentine(自然老師) 都會在跳水板上用麥克風自編自說一個非常華麗又誇張的故事介紹每一個學院.
而每一個學院的高三學生們都要下水並滑動一艘用輪胎綑綁而成的Raft到游泳池對岸搶救她們的"公主"也就是House Captain)之後再游回來.
因為每個House Captain 本來應該都得像公主般很高雅的撐著洋傘坐到輪胎上,
但通常每個House Captain都會很粗魯的跳上去並且死命的運用任何可以划水的東西幫忙下面堆動輪胎筏的學生. 

但是重頭戲還在後頭. 老師與各個學院之間的接力賽才真的是經典.
而且老師雖然幾乎每年都一定會贏, 他們今年還故意廣播叫要參賽的老師到體育館集合, 
因為他們說要擬定如何贏學生的"作戰計畫"...嘿嘿, 老師們真可愛^^ 
看起來很文弱的數學老師, 外套一脫, 裡面赫然亮出一條螢光粉紅的泳褲OO
而看起來肥胖遲鈍又和藹可親的另一位數學老師, T-shirt一扔, 胸口濃濃的胸毛一挺,
還有Mr. Valentine...不但穿著女性泳衣, 裡面還附有胸墊....我看大家頓時都傻眼了. 
真的是太可怕了, 平常的印象一瞬間便一掃而空!

結果最後雖然我們的學院輸了, 喉嚨啞了, 也快要曬成人干了,

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end of year  

因為之前需要準備年底大考, 所以一直苦無機會貼文章, 還請各位見諒.
最初是數不清的"年底派對"(←End of Year Party)
誰叫NCEA在三年前才開始, 考古題全部都被我們作得滾瓜爛熟,
而且考卷年年都在改, 害我們連每單元的重點都很難抓到.

真的無法相信這些打赤腳, 在綠油油的草地上奔跑的女生會是即將面臨大考的高中生.
而且英文老師, 蛋兒女士, 又滿臉慈祥的注視著這一切,

各校的Senior Prizegiving (高年級頒獎典禮)也是年底値得期待的活動之一.
加上音樂部門的HOD(Head of Department), Mrs. Hunt, 好像完全不知情,
也就是觀眾還在聊天, 尋找位子時.
由那位日本女生自己彈鋼琴伴奏, 而讓兩位鳥人合唱.

女校今年的Guest Speaker倒是講得非常好.
雖然很長, 但是她說的那些登山經歷真的有趣的很.
You may have some obstacles on the way to success,
but with the help of those around you,
you will be able to reach the highest point of glory.

好笑的是男校的Senior Prizegiving卻是剛好完全相反.
我因為在Concert Band裡所以連男校的頒獎典禮都得去.
而我的確很樂意, 因為Concert Band裡有一位長得超級像哈利波特的帥哥...^^
不過因為我們坐在講台前, 而我的位置又是背向講台,
但是我又不想表現得太明顯(羞), 所以就只能拼了命的伸長脖子往後看.
結果他總共領了五個獎, 所以到最後我的脖子已很明顯的快斷了OO
不過多虧老姊辛苦拍來的相片, 我以後不會那麼desperate了吧!

男校的Guest Speaker講得超級爛.
不但一直重複同樣的話題, 聲音還低的根本聽不到(而且還有麥克風)
不過男校頒獎典禮的好處就是不會那麼囉唆, 短短兩個多小時就完了.
而且在Concert Band裡比坐在人群中好很多, 因為能放腳的空間非常的寬^^

總之, 這就是大考前在學校忙的一堆事...(抱歉, 誶誶唸得太久了)
嘿嘿, 現在只剩下一科要考囉! 加油加油!

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Debating competition  

三天前在女校舉辦了一次辯論比賽. 兩方分別是男校和女校.
但是更勁爆的是這次辯論的主題..."Boys are better than girls"
而且女校還是同意的那一邊, 男校是反對的那一方.
可是畢竟人數還是太多, 所以就算是音樂教室也被擠得水洩不通.
所以我只好勉強的坐在靠門邊的地毯上, 想說至少也能聽到聲音.
最令人捧腹大笑的兩個有其中一個是女校組的3rd Speaker海倫,
她不僅穿著男校的制服(包誇領帶, 外套)還戴上了黑色假髮,
加上她又故意學鳥人男生粗魯的動作, 真的是像極了男校的學生...|||
而另一個是男校組的1st speaker, Adrian(<---太難翻了...Oo) 不過那天的小名是Adriana.
他穿著女校的制服, 還把頭髮綁成了兩根極短的蔥花.

女校那組果然就是比較一板一眼, 有準備的樣子.
只不過除了海倫外, 另外兩個的口才都普普而已.
果然還是海倫比較強, 反駁男生的話也說的頭頭是道,
像名作曲家, 作家, 科學家大部分都是男的啊,
舉的那些例也都是大家熟悉的莫札特, 莎士比亞, 愛因斯坦等等.

男: We thought of a woman who is better than William Shakespeare.
女: Bring it on!
男: J.K. Rowling
男: Hands up for those who have read a book of Shakespeare's!
男: And hands up for those who have read Harry Potter!
男: (得意) See? See?


女: Men are the ones who go to battle, and win.
男: yeah but that's because women are too ruthless. They're too merciless and good at killing.


女: Who says a woman who dresses like a man is wrong? Look at Helen Clark!

所以這次的辯論雖然是女校擊敗了男校, 我還是覺得男校的表現相當精采.
尤其是各組的裝扮真的是讓我回味無窮, 每次想到還是忍不住會微笑.
而且在那兩組中講得最好的都在Concert Band裡呢...
還是因為有某位Leader不凡的領導...? ^__^"

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  • Sep 22 Thu 2005 13:04
  • 解剖


昨天在上人體生物時作了解剖, 解剖的是豬的腎臟.

我和蘇菲一組, 因為貝絲正在日本的迪士尼消遙(可恨啊~Oo)
並小心的從老師那端了一塊豬腎回到了座位, 準備要大顯身手.
"Girls! Just get your fingers into it! You can't act like girls in a dissection!"
我真的很替我的手指擔心, 怕我笨拙刀法的代價會是我的, 或別人的, 一根指頭.(汗)

不過在經過了無數次的試驗(---> 摔, 打, 剁, 拉, 扯, 撕)後,
只見切菜板上東一塊, 西一塊的紅色肉塊, 就好比一片片散落的拼圖.
環顧整間教室時, 大多數同學們的解剖桌面也通通慘不忍睹.
整個教室瀰漫著濃濃的血腥味, 簡直活像是個刑場,

因此我總算是大致上能體會為何老鼠, 青蛙一類生物的屍體不會在女校出現的原因了...O_o
但即使如此, 還是有些意想天開的鳥人會天才到想把剁成肉醬的豬腎堆成一個愛心的形狀

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